9Rays.Net is proud to announce Spices.Net v.4.5 - the most flexible and universal tool for each .Net developer!

Released on = April 7, 2005, 10:32 am

Press Release Author = 9Rays.Net

Industry = Software

Press Release Summary = 9Rays.Net is proud to announce Spices.Net v.4.5 - the most flexible and universal tool for each .Net developer!

Press Release Body = What's new in v.4.5:

1. NEW!!! NineRays.Documenter - the first affordable tool what
significantly helps in code documentation creation and management externally from your source code! Supports NDoc tags, very smart code browser with code completion and wide range of tools that helps you to manage your documentation!
2. Spices.Net:A LOT of improvements!
3. Spices.Decompiler:
1. A lot of improvements in the decompilation, disassembling and
code refactoring/optimizations.
2. Evaluation version now is supports code optimizations! But
decompiles about 50% bodies of methods, properties and events :(
3. Extracts variable names from debug info files (.PDB) if
4. A lot of new code optimizations.
5. Full support of unsafe code.
6. Full decompilation of COM/Interop/Unmanaged code.
7. New syntax editor: Now more interactive - shows active context
8. New syntax editor: Supports outlining of code (folding)!
4. Spices.Obfuscator: Now, with antiILDASM feature turned on embeds NineRays.Decompiler.NotDecompile attribute into protected assembly and attaches to assembly attributes to prevent from decompilation by Spices.Net
5. Significantly improved assembly resolution service.
6. Improved assembly verification service.

Web Site = http://spices.9rays.net

Contact Details = Pacific Business Centre
Att: 9Rays.Net LLC
P.O. Box 34069 #381
Seattle, WA 98124-1069

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