Never Cold Call again using Magnetic Sponsoring

Released on = October 8, 2005, 6:37 pm

Press Release Author = Fernando Rivadeneyra

Industry = Management

Press Release Summary = Hundreds of thousands of people in network marketing have been miss-trained and misled by otherwise well-meaning trainers advocating Cold calling as the preferred method of generating new business. However, it has literally been decades since it has led in terms of results.

Press Release Body = Never Cold Call again using Magnetic Sponsoring

A big problem facing many network marketers is recruiting. We are told to recruit, recruit and recruit. Then after making a list of warm market prospects and three-way calling them, we find ourselves in the NFL Club (No Friends Left). A lot of seasoned network marketers are teaching very old ideas on how to generate new business to the
newbees in the business. The issue at hand is primarily that our world is somewhat closed off from other areas of business that continue to adopt and embrace newer, more efficient ideas. Unfortunately, our brave new world has made some of these old,
right ideas very, very wrong. Cold calling, for instance, has been for many years the preferred method of generating new business. However, it has literally been decades since it has led in terms of results. Hundreds of thousands of people have been miss-trained and misled by otherwise well-meaning trainers.

To illustrate the point, here is a story about “The Two Ways To Get Married”. The Cold Caller buys an extremely expensive suit. New shoes. Fashionable accessories. Then, working with the best database and marketing strategists, selects the demographically ideal singles bar. Walking into the singles bar, the Cold Caller
marches up to the nearest person and proposes marriage. If turned down, the Cold Caller repeats this process on every person in the bar. If the Cold Caller comes up empty-handed after spending the entire evening proposing, it is obvious that the blame should be placed on the suit and the shoes. The tailor is fired. The strategy expert who picked the bar is fired. And the Cold Caller tries again at a different
singles bar.

Are you getting the point in the story, and how it relates to us? Think about it. A person spends hours, days, and weeks cold calling with dismal results. The person goes to the trainer for coaching and advice on what to do differently to start getting results. And what advice is ALWAYS given in these situations? You guessed it. A conversation ensues about what the person is saying. A lot of overused, old, and very wrong ideas begin to surface. Working on these things is the equivalent of the man in the story blaming his failure on the suit, changing into a new suit, and then going to a different singles bar to do it all over again. (How many of us have said "this lead list stinks," then cold called a different lead list and got the same results? I've done it plenty of times.)

Magnetic Sponsoring provides a much-needed dose of common sense that would be of great benefit to anyone. If you are looking for an easy way out of learning how to become a true leader, how to become an effective communicator, or how to become a TRUE net worker, you will not find what you seek because it does not exist… not even with Magnetic Sponsoring. If you're not achieving the success you desire, perhaps its time for you to lay the foundation for new and better habits. Magnetic Sponsoring will pave the way for you to not only learn and adopt new and better ways of building your business but will show you exactly what those ways are. It's not
hard. In fact, it's quite simple and will make your life a whole lot easier once you implement it.

What Magnetic Sponsoring will do, is empower a skilled business owner and let him/her achieve massive success faster and easier than ever through the application of correct strategies and tactics. The entire point of building a network marketing business is to create WELL-EDUCATED DISTRIBUTORS who can stand on their own and a
large base of happy product customers who have nothing to do with the business.

All methods of magnetic advertising, magnetic presentations, magnetic follow up, etc. are automated leaving the home business entrepreneurs with more time to create more magnetic marketing campaigns. The material covered in this training manual cross over well into all different types of business categories. Fernando
Rivadeneyra is an affiliate of Magnetic Sponsoring. To request the complete free 10-day Boot Camp Training Course visit: (No WWW in URL!)

Web Site =

Contact Details = 41391 Kalmia St, Murrieta, CA


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