Press Release Summary = We are all good at making resolutions for ourselves, few of us are any good at making them happen. But what if there was a scientific way on how to get yourself to do anything you wanted to do, or vice a versa to not do anything you didn\'t want to do? If you could get yourself to quit smoking, lose weight, start a new business venture, get into shape, or anything you wanted to where it became effortless to do it, would that be of some benefit to you? I think the answer to that question is a very big YES!
Press Release Body = Year after year so many of us set for ourselves new goals we want to achieve for the new year, we call these new goals our \"New Years Resolutions\". Unfortunately many of us never achieve these resolutions, but year after year we set them for ourselves and year after year we fail to make them become a reality. Why do you suppose this is? If these resolutions are really what we want, then why don\'t we make them happen? Are the resolutions we set for ourselves possible to achieve? From this point forward I will assume that you would not set resolutions for yourself that were not possible for you to achieve. For instance, if you want to quit smoking it\'s 100% possible that you could do that. If you wanted to lose weight and get in better shape, it\'s 100% possible for you to achieve that. If you wanted to become a rock star, it\'s not 100% for sure you could make that happen. But it is 100% sure that you could start taking all the steps necessary to try your very best to make it happen, and that could be your resolution.
We are all good at making resolutions for ourselves, few of us are any good at making them happen. But what if there was a scientific way on how to get yourself to do anything you wanted to do, or vice a versa to not do anything you didn\'t want to do? If you could get yourself to quit smoking, lose weight, start a new business venture, get into shape, or anything you wanted to where it became effortless to do it, would that be of some benefit to you? I think the answer to that question is a very big YES!
I\'m going to teach you in this newsletter how to do exactly that, but before I do I\'d really like to explain from the beginning how and why this works. There are certain patterns around us that can easily be identified, for instance when you look up into the universe what pattern do you see? Everything is round and everything goes around something else. The earth, sun, moon, and other planets are all round. The earth and the other planets move around the sun. The earth spins around on it\'s own axis, etc. This is the pattern within the observable universe. There is also a different pattern within just about everything else, and it\'s the pattern of opposites. For instance you have \"up\" and \"down\", which are opposites. You have \"good\" and \"bad\", which are opposites. You have \"front\" and \"backwards\", which are opposites. You have \"light\" and \"dark\", which are opposites. You have \"friendly\" and \"un-friendly\" which are opposites.
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