Press Release Summary = Peerflix is an online network of DVD owners that acts as a facilitator, that lets members trade DVDs with each other.
Press Release Body = How many times have you watched \"The Incredibles?\" A more important question you may want to ask yourself is how many more times do you plan to watch it? Chances are it\'s been a while since you\'ve last played it yet there it sits in your DVD collection along with your other discs that you\'ll probably never watch again. Still, your DVD library represents a significant investment of your hard earned dollars. But unlike your other investments, they don\'t generate any interest nor do they increase in value.
Sorry, but that special \"collector\'s edition\" you bought is probably not going to be worth millions someday. Still I guess some are collectors who enjoy a pride of ownership as they gaze upon their shelves and shelves of these discs. But for most of us, they just collect dust. The founder of Peerflix was one of us who got tired of just watching them sit there and came up with a really novel solution to this problem. Now you too can turn your stale DVD collection into something wonderful, dynamic and current.
Peerflix is an online network of DVD owners like yourself that have DVDs they\'ve watched and now wish to exchange them for something new that they want to see. The concept is really a simply one. Peerflix acts as a facilitator, offering a service that lets its members exchange DVDs with each other. To get things going, there are three basic steps you need to take.
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Craig Crossman is a Knight-Ridder newspaper columnist writing about computers and technology. He also hosts the nation\'s longest running nationally syndicated radio talk show on computers and technology, Computer America, heard on both the Business TalkRadio NetworkT and the Lifestyle TalkRadio NetworkT, weeknights at 10PM Eastern time. In South Florida, you can hear a rebroadcast of a selected Computer America show each Sunday evening at 8PM on WJNO 1290AM.
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Contact Details = Keith Hunt||8190 Orchard Street||Alta Loma , 91701||$$country||||9099871233||||