AcneClearingDevicecom announces the launch of its Zeno Acne Clearing Device Forum

Released on = March 14, 2006, 2:05 pm

Press Release Author = Cory D. Bridgewater

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = has officially launched a forum
specifically for the new FDA approved Zeno Acne Clearing Device. The forum is
poised to become the webs largest online Zeno Acne Clearing Device community and
discussion area.

Press Release Body = The new Zeno Acne Clearing Device forum and discussion area
located on has officially been launched and signifies a
gigantic effort to bring individuals and groups of acne sufferers together with one
common goal, taking control of their acne. The Zeno Acne Device forum will be a
great meeting place for consumers looking to find more information on the Zeno Acne
Device. Within the forum, consumers can expect to find items such before and after
photos, testimonials, skin care routines, and customers first hand experiences with
the Zeno Acne Clearing Device. "I'm very happy and excited we've been able to
provide one centralized location for consumers from all over to world to discuss
their experiences with the Zeno Acne Clearing Device and other skin care topics. It
a great place for those looking for Zeno Acne Device reviews from others who have
used the product. If someone has been looking at purchasing a Zeno Device to help
clear up their acne, this is the place they should look to find information and get
testimonials from others," said Cory D. Bridgewater.

About Zeno

The Zeno Acne Device is the first ever FDA approved acne clearing device for the
at-home treatment of acne pimples. The Zeno Acne Device effectively eliminates up to
90% of acne blemishes within a 24 hour timeframe. The Zeno Acne Device is a
handheld, portable electronic device that is clinically proven to make acne pimples
disappear fast. In fact, for treating acne pimples, the Zeno Acne Device is the most
scientifically advanced and effective acne clearing device available without a
prescription. Zeno is designed for people with mild to moderate acne. Each acne
blemish should be treated for 2 ½ minutes, two to three times throughout the course
of a 24 hour period for best results.

About is poised to become one of the nations leading online
retailers of the Zeno Acne Clearing Device. was launched in
order to provide consumers with one centralized location on the web to learn more
about the Zeno Acne Device and make their purchase. Sine its launch in early 2006, has experienced tremendous success in their pursuit to help
educate consumers about the Zeno Acne Clearing Device.

Web Site =

Contact Details =
PO BOX 635
Salt Lake City, UT 84110

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