VB Programmers Can Finally Escape Shame and Embarassment
Released on = March 5, 2006, 1:24 pm
Press Release Author = VBConversions
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = Visual Basic.Net to C# Converter with Over 99% Accuracy
VB Programmers Can Finally Escape Shame and Embarassment
KANSAS CITY, Mo - March 5 - VB programmers, long the scourge of the programming world, may finally get some respect. Not that they are singing the Aretha Franklin song, but thanks to a new software tool, they can convert their VB source code automatically to something respectable: C#.
VBConversions has released version 1.51 of their award winning VB.Net to C# converter, a fascinating and incredibly accurate programming tool that converts whole VB.Net projects, even groups of projects, to C# with incredible accuracy. What is unique about the VBConversions VB.Net to C# Converter is not only it\'s incredible accuracy, but the dozens of conversion options and fine grained control it gives the programmer.
For example, programmers can choose if they want their C# code to reference the VB namespace when converting traditional VB functions like \"Mid$\", \"Left$, or \"Right$\", or whether to use .Net official functions like .Substring() instead.
There is a free download available at http://www.vbconversions.com and the purchase price is only $99.00. VB programmers, if you finally want some respect, check it out.