Press Release Summary = Looking for a broadband service provider is about as fun as getting a tooth pulled. Startup creates broadband for business service. A Cleveland,Ohio based startup company announced high speed broadband service in over 60,000 cities and towns across america today in response to market demand.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4/13/2006
National Startup Forms New Broadband For Small Business Services
New national IT marketplace startup creates broadband for business service. A Cleveland,Ohio based company announced high speed broadband service in over 60,000 cities and towns across the country today.
Cleveland,Ohio - date - 4/13/2006
Looking for a broadband service provider is about as fun as getting a tooth pulled. Expedia and Travelocity understood this in the travel industry and responded to the market with an online solution that millions consider an indispensable online tool. Progressive did the same in the insurance industry offering unbiased insurance quotes from competing carriers from one source. Contrast that success with the broadband industry and you would get a very different picture until recently. There are so many carriers and so many long sales pitches you have to sit through just to get a morsel of credible information. Tired of the old bait and switch? An independent small business broadband agent can help reduce the number of conversations you have with carriers by asking you about your specific needs and searching through multiple providers to get the service that is right for you. The agent helps steer clear of the typical industry bias you will receive when speaking with one vendor as the agent gets a commission no matter which broadband service you choose.
While an agent can get you the information you\'re looking for without the pushy approach of a single small business carrier there is typically a marked delay between the time you have your introductory conversation and the time you get the actual information you need to make an informed choice for your company. Agents and brokers can sometimes take several days and in some cases weeks to search the providers, send e-mails and get responses to your specific broadband service quotation. If you are a small business owner or manager of information systems you can ill afford to wait.
Want a step up from the average agent? An agent who carries no bias for one particular carrier AND gives immediate feedback! While this was not possible a few months ago, we have found a service that can offer real time information on many broadband service providers. A real time quote gives you information NOW. There is no waiting to find pricing. Simply enter your information and compare pricing immediately. Real time pricing will do for telecommunications shopping what Expedia and Travelocity did for travel and Progressive did for insurance quoting. So why wait? If you\'re searching for a broadband line make sure you use a broker that can help you with your search in real time.
Contact Tate Bell for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (440) 247-5773 Email: Other helpful information:
For More Information Contact: Tate Bell
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