Press Release Summary = Is less going to become more in the movie business? With low cost movies competing alongside big budget films the face of the industry is being forced to change.
Press Release Body = Duststorm Productions two films "God Help Me" and \"Squad 77\" are breaking new ground. \"God Help Me\" a low budget comedy/romance won best film under $25,000 at the 2006 Creation Arts Fest in Edmonton, Canada and may also get screened at the Saboth International Film Festival in Italy in September. \"Squad 77\" completed for the same budget as \"God Help Me\" is just now releasing to DVD and has already secured an international broadcast audience, a video game spin off, and a graphic novel spin off.
Not many people would attempt a movie for less than $25,000, but that didn't stop producer Dan Olds from teaming with a production company (Duststorm Productions) that specializes in impossible productions. The characters in \"God Help Me\" sometimes are so real that many people have asked producer Dan Olds what happens to these guys, as if they were real. \"Squad 77\" has put itself in a new arena for a micro budget film. Not only has it created merchandise spin offs usually associated with big budget films, but the project itself is competing alongside much bigger budget projects. Consumers, seem to actually prefer the \"underdog\" product that is more innovative in it\'s story telling and marketing strategies.
This could reveal a consumer trend that could change the face of how media content is produced and distributed. Duststorm CEO Reece Tedford said the company plans to do many more low budget projects as they find ways to become more efficient and effective at delivering quality products at minimal cost. He said that he still plans to continue producing lower budget projects. With new tax breaks for movie investors and keeping the costs of production low the risk is also reduced, while increasing the yield potential. While it might also be important to note that Duststorm Productions operates in various niche markets to help ensure success, it seems they might be onto a trend that could affect the entertainment industry as a whole.