Press Release Summary = Sometimes, people may claimed that quitting smoking is really a no big deal. They say it when they have stopped for a while, maybe even just a day.
Press Release Body = Sometimes, people may claimed that quitting smoking is really a no big deal. They say it when they have stopped for a while, maybe even just a day. But it is not smoking consistently and forever that is the real meaning behind quitting smoking. Knowing how quit smoking can benefit you is a strong reason to quit smoking. The longer you stay quit, the longer you will benefit from not smoking. Even not smoking for 20 minutes, your blood pressure will return to normal. Your system will cleanse the carbon monoxide even after eight hours later. Lung capacity increases by 30 percent. Your risk of getting a heart attack reduces by 50 percent compared to a smoker. Your life expectancy will increase dramatically. You will be able to live longer. Even many years after quitting, you must recognized you will still be tempted to smoke again. Because you once knew how "good" it felt like to smoke. Your nicotine may be long gone from your body. You do not have physical addiction to cigarettes anymore but the psychological addiction may remain for many many years to come. Since the behavioral habit was once there, you may feel the need to smoke in certain circumstances. You must recognize this and start taking proper actions to combat this trick of the mind. Learn what circumstances cause you to smoke can assist you in a long-term quest to combat against nicotine. For example, if you once smoke due to excessive stress. Find an alternative to release your stress. It may be in a form of exercise, meditation or hobbies. Always find out what cause you to smoke and find an alternative for it. Along the journey, you may find a relapse and picked up smoking again. Do not let this result discourage you. Actually there are many people who have only successfully give up the habit after 4 or 5 times. Do not think you have failed and go down on yourself. Think that you need to become stronger next time. Resort to support from family and friends. If you have to, talk to somebody about your journey in smoking. If you have failed many times, tell them you are determine to quit smoking once and forever. Seek guidance from experts or get professional help such as a counseling if you need to. Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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