Some Activities To Get You Through The Period Of Quitting Smoking
Released on = August 22, 2006, 1:12 am
Press Release Author = Tony James
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = There are many times of a day a smoker will light up a cigarette - the so called cigarette break. This is often associated with the getaway or the release of stress of work and just to relax.
Press Release Body = There are many times of a day a smoker will light up a cigarette - the so called cigarette break. This is often associated with the getaway or the release of stress of work and just to relax. So now you are in the transition of quitting smoking. But that does not mean you can't have breaks or getaway. Instead of smoking, you can find another substitute activity and alternatives which are healthier to also help you relax and calm yourself. Listen to Music Music is a very powerful resource. It can really calm you and to refresh your spirit. For the times that you have a cigarette break. Instead of smoking, put on soothing music. It maybe anything from classical to contemporary instrumental. You can use i-Pod if you're in the office at work, or just play out loud at home. This will keep your mind off smoking and the music will give your mind and body the relaxation you need. Go for a Walk Take a breeze walk through the park. Listen to the environment such as the birds smell the greenery and flowers. The motive of this exercise is to get your mind relax and off cigarettes. Meditate Meditation is a fantastic way to relax and calm your mind, and also to strengthen your mind power, especially that you also have to overcome the mental addiction of cigarettes. Sit on a floor with a cross-legged position. Close your eyes and relax. Attune your hearing the sounds of your environment, whether it's the noise in your office or the streets. Slowly change the focus to your own breathing and body. Create a mental image that will give you a sense of peace and calmness, such as the beach or greenery. Try to maintain this focus for 10 minutes. Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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