Press Release Summary = Cake mix sales are expected to plummet with moms across the nation starting their own businesses.
Press Release Body = We have breaking news our of Los Angeles, Ca. It seems as if moms all over the county are rushing to their County Clerk\'s office and-what\'s that?- filing DBAs! Wait, I\'m just being told that this epidemic is spreading; moms all over the country are starting their own businesses. Oh my word, how is this going to affect cake mix sales all over America. With these, mompreneurs, as they call themselves, being preoccupied by memos, client meetings, and domain name registrations, who will clog the malls in the middle of the day? How will Baby Gap maintain their sales, and who, I ask, who, will be tuning in to catch Lance Armstrong\'s wife crying on Oprah. I don\'t know what this means for America, but I do know that I\'m scared.