Press Release Body = Because it run on your USB key, the TRAVEL@Clip Remote Desktop Client enables instant, portable RDP / TSE access from any PC without installation or Administrator Rights.
Previously, users were often prevented from accessing their work environment, because they lacked elevated security privileges needed to install and use the Windows Terminal Service client.
TRAVEL@Clip enables the Remote Desktop TSE/RDP Client to run without device drivers or installation as a single compressed EXE file. It can be carried conveniently on a USB key drive and runs regardless of what is - or isn't -already on the host computer. This eliminates technical support hassles and makes Microsoft TSE access easy for mobile users.
While running under TRAVEL@Clip, not any Internet Explorer browser history and temporary files are loaded and stored ensuring no trace is left behind. As well, up to 9 TSE Remote Desktop client configuration settings are loaded, encrypted and stored directly from the USB drive preventing the user from accidentally leaving behind their login name, password, or session cache data. A owner password enables a Single SignOn capability for the 9 encrypted sessions.
This low cost shareware is available from Internet downloads and deliver the freedom to connect safely from an Hotel, at home, at a cyber cafe or at a customer site PC.
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Contact Details = Address: 24 rue Chaptal, Paris France