Abundance will Explode your business and Life

Released on = December 11, 2006, 3:27 pm

Press Release Author = Joe LoBalsamo& Marketing Success

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = What takes you out of abundance mode in the first place?\"

You see, abundance is an emotional state of being you create for yourself. True
abundance is not about the current value of your material possessions, the people
you are or are not enrolling in your enterprise, or your current financial status.
Abundance is about creating room within your consciousness to be whole, complete and
satisfied with yourself. Abundance is about accepting that you are enough.

Press Release Body = The first step to creating abundance is being in a position to

This means receiving love, energy, money, decisions, etc. Our society sends a
message that it is \"better to give than to receive,\" and this creates pressure,
especially for women (the nurturers of life) to give, give, give, until one day you
realize that you have given your power away.

This often creates what Jeff and I term the \"angry giver.\" An angry giver is someone
who continues to give their energy to other people in the hopes of receiving
acceptance and approval, and is angry when it seems as if their efforts are not
appreciated or acknowledged. The paradox here is that when you are not in a position
to receive, you actually deflect any positive feedback that the people you\'re giving
to may be giving back to you. This in turn feeds the anger fueled by \"nobody
recognizes me.\"

In reality, if you are giving with any expectation, you are not really giving. And
if you do not recognize your own virtues, you will have challenges receiving
recognition from others. Until your own approval becomes enough, the approval of
others will continue to leave you feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled.

This is where becoming a great receiver comes into play. Begin by saying, \"Thank
you, I am receiving,\" when someone offers you feedback or a compliment. You will be
amazed when you become conscious through your change in language to realize you have
actually deflected many compliments and positive feedback!

The second step to creating abundance is to trust that the laws of the universe
dictate that abundance is a natural state.

There is an inexhaustible supply in the universe. On a clear night, count the number
of stars in the sky, the number of leaves on a tree, the raindrops during a
thunderstorm, feel the warmth of the sunlight, consider the seeds in one apple, and
that each seed is capable of producing a tree which will produce more apples and
this cycle creates a limitless abundance of apples!

Begin considering that it is your own beliefs that are limiting you today. What
would happen if you began to focus on what is, rather than on what isn\'t? What would
happen in your enterprise if you focused on all the people out there seeking
opportunity right now, rather than on the people you have talked to who weren\'t
ready to enter free enterprise? What would happen if you focused on attracting the
trillions of dollars that have not yet had the opportunity to enter your bank
account, rather than the dollars that have left it?

The third step is letting life be easy instead of constantly making it hard.

Money and love are energy you are seeking to attract - and energy always follows the
path of least resistance! Water always flows in the direction of gravity, and look
at the powerful situations it creates by following the path of least resistance
consistently over time! Doesn\'t it really take more effort and energy to struggle
than to flourish? This simple shift in your perception can create room in your
consciousness to allow every situation you seek and desire to flow to you
effortlessly . . . if you will only allow yourself to stop trying to \"make it
happen,\" and instead, simply take the proper actions and allow the results to

The fourth and most important step to creating abundance is becoming comfortable
with what you deserve.

When you make the statement \"I love myself, I deserve to have it all!\" what does \"it
all\" mean? Will you ever really believe this statement if you do not have a crystal
clear vision of \"it all\"? You deserve the best of every situation you encounter, and
this comes back to being a great receiver! You deserve prosperity, and it is only
your beliefs of lack and limitation that are limiting your emotional, physical and
financial abundance.

Begin by saying \"yes\" more to people and situations. Accept invitations graciously
and feel blessed that others want to be with you. Accept gifts graciously and
sincerely, and if the gift does not serve you, then pass it along to someone else,
knowing it will eventually find the exact right person.

Allow the flow of energy to move through you instead of deflecting it. If you do not
get clear that \"it all\" means everything good that you have ever desired, then you
are just as apt to receive an abundance of that which you already have and which
doesn\'t serve you. The universe will give you exactly what you ask of it - which is
why it is so important to realize you are a valuable person, you are able to accept
an abundance of positive and powerful situations, and you deserve all of the good in
the universe to flow to and through you!

As you practice these four applications, begin to allow yourself to recognize
prosperity everywhere. Enjoy the bounty you have the opportunity to choose from at
the grocery store. Begin choosing only the best produce that appeals to you, the
best cuts of meat, and the best of the store\'s entire selection. You may find
yourself consuming less and enjoying more!

Begin appreciating the beauty of the buildings you pass each day, the bustle of
commerce in your city, listen to the laughter around you and allow yourself to share
the joy of others - even if you don\'t know the cause.

Begin to appreciate yourself for the courage you have to make small changes. All big
changes origina