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SUV\'s are getting to be a favourite among car buyers nowadays. Whether it is because of the equation of speed and power with size, more and more SUV\'s are dashing past our beloved highways. Sure, they\'ve got excellent traction and performance, and they really are family-oriented. But unfortunately so, most of the SUV\'s on the road today run on petrol.
Gas or petrol is one of the biggest culprit in air pollution. Ironically enough, for something that destroys the environment, the price of petrol is perpetually on a steady increase.
Over the past four years, Australia\'s petrol prices have increased by 63%. If this trend persists, motorists will soon be looking at as much as $1.47 a litre.
Not only this, but our dependence/addiction on petrol is conversely making us dependent as well on foreign oil monopolies and their policies. Thus, the answer is to explore alternative fuels which are far safer for the planet, as well as for our pockets and freedom. And yes, we should also start with our choice of SUVs.
Obviously the answer is in favour of SUVs which run on diesel. For starters, conventional petrol engines aren't designed to manage the excessive weight of SUVs. And we all know SUV\'s keep getting larger every year. Diesel engines, on the other hand, provide the necessary power, but with greater fuel economy, and at the same time, much cleaner fuel burning.
Diesel SUVs have more power precisely because diesel fuel itself has more energy than petrol. In addition to better mileage, diesel SUVs have more pulling power than their petrol counterparts, which is why they are popular for hauling camping gear, towing boats, caravans, and horse trailers.
But why hasn\'t diesel captured the hearts of the Australian driving population. Lack of informed choices on alternative fuels, lack of government funding for the development of these choices, the general public\'s misconceptions about diesel engines.
Not to worry though because car manufacturers nowadays are researching and refining the technology of diesel engines ever more dedicatedly. Reinstalling diesel engines in SUVs and other cars might make them more expensive. In the long run though, fuel economy and engine durability, and needless to say, environment-friendliness, are the priceless benefits we get for diesel SUVs.
Petrol prices are indeed seriously harming the budgets of most Australian households. The average household uses 43 litres of petrol a week and steep petrol prices mean reduced purchase power in other basic necessities.
If you are considering buying an SUV, you know what you have to do.