Press Release Summary = DataGridView Columns .NET assembly for .NET 2.0 (Visual Studio 2005)
Press Release Body = The DataGridView Windows Forms control is a quite new .NET control introduced in MS Visual Studio .NET 2005 that is a good alternative to the VS .NET 1.x DataGrid control. The data table presentation feature became much easier to be implemented in .NET Windows application. The most attractive features of the new control are: It allows to mix both data bound and unbound, virtual columns in the GridView. It has a special virtual mode allowing to actually display more than 100 000 rows without a huge performance hit. It gives ability to easily apply styles to individual columns, rows, cells, or an entire data source table. Obviously we do not need to disregard the .NET DataGrid control. For most situations it works faster than the new DataGridView. Also the control gives you ability to display hierarchical data. This is a big advantage of DataGrid .NET Windows Forms control. In the new MS Visual Studio .NET 2005, the DataGridView control provides a visual table layout for displaying data. All DataGridView control designing operations are just dragging and dropping into the IDE design layout window. The DataGridView .NET 2.0 control seems a lot better than DataGrid .NET 1.x control. It provides a powerful and flexible way to display a data source. You can extend the DataGridView control in a number of ways to build custom behaviors into your applications. Although you can create your own types of cells the Windows Forms DataGridView control is mostly column-based, rather than cell-based. As a result, to attain most tasks, you have to work with the columns, the same way like with the DataGrid control. In November 2005, Microsoft officially released the new Visual Studio 2005 also known as .NET 2.0. RustemSoft is presenting a software package for customizing your .NET 2.0 Windows Forms DataGridView Columns. DataGridViewColumns .NET 2.0 assembly from RustemSoft is a DataGridView Columns software package specifically designed for .NET 2.0 developers. The assembly allows you to use all strengths of the MS Windows .NET 2.0 forms DataGridView control without waiving the user interface elements your customers need. DataGridViewColumns dynamic link library contains the following DataGridView Columns: Combo (extended combobox), Memo column, DateTimePicker column. Also the assembly includes the formatting intelligent DateTimeColumn, NumericColumn, TextFractionsColumn, MaskedTextBox column controls that can mask the date, time, numbers as well as the text fractions. It gives you ability to manage the IP Address, SS#, Phone numbers, etc., and checks the validation, and automatically set the delimiter location. These Column classes are chock full of functionality that you will not find in the standard Microsoft .NET 2.x DataGridView Columns, that make it easy to build professional and forcing user interfaces.
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