Turnaround From Traditional Fabric Search

Released on = April 5, 2007, 8:15 pm

Press Release Author = Tetyana Popova

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = GoFabricConnect.com weaves the textile industry into a
one-stop-shop; offers fabric suppliers exposure to customers.

Press Release Body = Toronto, Ontario - A new web site, designed for easy fabric
finding, can be called a missing link between the textile and fashion industries.

The web site, www.goFabricConnect.com, weaves the textile industry into a
one-stop-shop making the search for fabrics and their suppliers fast and efficient.

\"Fabric search can be a time-consuming process. I used to spend a lot of time and
effort going through each supplier\'s web site while looking for the right textiles,\"
says Tetyana Popova, President of Fabric Connect, \"goFabricConnect.com is a complete
turnaround from the \"traditional\" way of searching for fabric. It gathers all the
fabrics from different suppliers into one easy-to-use online database.\"

You choose your search criteria (fabric type, color, print, supplier location,
retail/wholesale) and you get the fabric listings that meet your requirements in
just seconds.

The listings include fabric photos with close-ups, detailed descriptions and links
to the suppliers\' contact information.

The web site currently features Canadian and U.S suppliers with about 6,000 unique
textiles. But fabric suppliers from any country can register to expose their
products to potential clients.

To complete one-stop-shopping, goFabricConnect.com also presents listings from
sewing product suppliers and related service providers as well as links to industry
related organizations and information on upcoming fashion and textile events.

\"There is no other company offering this type of service,\" says Popova. \"Our
ultimate goal is to provide thousands of fabric seekers around the world with the
best fabric search experience.\"

About Fabric Connect: Fabric Connect makes finding fabrics convenient by offering an
easily searchable database of textiles from assorted suppliers. Fabric Connect
offers fabric seekers convenience of one-stop-shopping and provides suppliers with
exposure to existing and potential clients.

Contact: Tetyana Popova, President, Fabric Connect
Email: Info@goFabricConnect.com
Phone: (416) 916-8567
Website: http://www.goFabricConnect.com


Web Site = http://www.goFabricConnect.com

Contact Details = Contact: Tetyana Popova, President, Fabric Connect
Email: Info@goFabricConnect.com
Phone: (416) 916-8567
Fax: (416) 221-8139

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