An Ordinary Housewife from Georgia is Making an Extraordinary Difference for Women all Over the World

Released on = June 11, 2007, 8:33 am

Press Release Author = Larry Richards

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Carly Raines is helping women everywhere with her story, and
her simple solutions for increasing sexual desire without doctors, drugs or any of
the embarrassment that typically accompanies this very personal problem which many
women face daily.

Press Release Body = At first glance, Carly Raines appears to be just an ordinary
housewife and mother. As she multi-tasked, getting her children ready for summer
camp, she spoke candidly to me about her day. "After I get the kids off to school,
or camp, or whatever their daily activities are, I come home, get on my phone and
computer, and help women learn how to increase their sexual desire without doctor
visits, drugs, or any of the embarrassment that typically accompanies this very
personal problem."

Carly, who is not a doctor and not certified by any medical program, started off by
just helping her friends, and then they started referring her advice to other
friends, and things just snowballed from there.

"I know what it is like to be married for ten years, to have the pressures of being
a good mother, a good wife, and all at the same time, trying to bring some cash flow
to the table. it can be very tough. All of these things combined, for a woman,
especially if she is over 35, can be overwhelming, and start to take their toll
physically, which many times comes out in the form of low sex drive," she said from

"I remember having this problem myself. I went to countless doctors, took tons of
tests, all in an effort to 'find out what was wrong with me'. You know what?
Nothing was wrong with me, I just needed a way I could boost my own sexual desire,
and I've figured that out. Now I'm just sharing it with others. I really feel like
I am giving women a gift, from one woman to another."

After a year of talking to women on the phone and email, sharing her experiences and
what has worked for her, she finally decided to design a website.

"I noticed, most of the websites out there that women have as resources are not
good. They are either sleazy sites that make many women feel guilty, or they are
medical sites that make women feel like something is wrong with them. I decided
there needed to be a website for ordinary women like me. I wanted to create a site
that is smart with ideas, but not offensive. I wanted to create something that
would empower women and make them feel beautiful and give them hope."

With all the people out there that claim to offer value to women in this area, Carly
Raines is quickly separating herself from the pack. Her genuine sincerity and big
heart add such a personal touch to this very personal problem that so many women are

You can visit Carly Raines online at

Web Site =

Contact Details = Carly Raines
Atlanta, Georgia

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