Online Horoscopes at Universal Psychic Guild Aren`t Just For Women

Released on = June 4, 2007, 4:56 am

Press Release Author = Neoli Marcos

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Universal Psychic Guild, Australia\'s leading online psychic
service, is determined to defy gender stereotypes as it proudly offers horoscopes
and astrology reports that are well-fitted for women and men alike.

Press Release Body = Melbourne, Australia June 5, 2007---

Universal Psychic Guild, Australia\'s leading online psychic service, is determined
to defy gender stereotypes as it proudly offers horoscopes and astrology reports
that are well-fitted for women and men alike.

Traditionally, horoscopes and astrology have always been associated with women, who
are supposedly more intuitive and sensitive than their male counterparts. True
enough, Universal Psychic Guild\'s clientèle over the years has mostly been women,
while men account for just a fraction of the site\'s regulars.

But are horoscopes really for men? Universal Psychic Guild answers that with a
resounding Yes. As each astrology and numerology report are carefully prepared by
the Guild\'s resident psychics, and every psychic reader has had years of experience
and undergone evaluation before being able to go online, customers are assured they
get only the best psychic and astrology reports.

This promise of truly personalised, tailor-made, and carefully detailed horoscopes,
whether for men or women, is what has kept the company going through the years. New
changes has even arrived at the site, specifically the live webcam psychic chat and
readings where querents can log on and actually come face to face with their
favourite psychic reader. As with all other great psychic offers of Psychic Guild,
this comes with a money-back guarantee.

This coming Father\'s Day, Universal Psychic Guild encourages its patrons to give
their dads and all the men in their lives horoscopes for a change. It\'s the
unlikely, but surprising gift. And that\'s something.

Universal Psychic Guild is on 24/7 to answer all your questions on life, love,
career, health, and well-being. For Free Horoscopes, and Premium Psychic and
Astrology reports, visit Psychic Guild now.

Web Site =

Contact Details =
Universal Psychic Guild (ACN: 066 828 288)
P.O. Box 7011
Hawthorn North
Victoria 3122, Australia
Phone: 1300 365 318

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