Press Release Author: Rene Jones/ Total Logistic Society
Industry: Software
Press Release Summary: The public is invited to this free evening of great information on how to prepare themselves for any future disaster, if it were to come. Don't miss this informative meeting on how to protect your loved ones and personal possessions.
Burbank, CA - September 25, 2007 - Rene' Jones, founder and president of Total Logistics Solutions in Burbank, CA, a nationally recognized supply-chain consulting and commercial warehouse inventory control management company announced today that after years of development utilizing its understanding of inventory management, their new software CYA will be released to the general public that will revolutionize the home and business inventory industry.
"We realized that the prominence and increasing occurrences of natural and man-made disasters, today's homeowner was in dire need of a simple, yet very sophisticated inventory software program that can prevent disaster victims from losing thousands of dollars on substantial home or business insurance claims," said Jones. "We are excited about what this product will bring to today's home and business owner as they prepare for the worst," exclaimed Jones.
To highlight this dramatic new piece of software in its initial launch to the L.A. public, Cover Your Assets (www.cyarightnow) is holding an intimate question and answer Disaster Preparedness Seminar on October 18th, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Pickwick Gardens Conference Center in Burbank. "We will have industry leaders and disaster experts from around the L.A. area that will make up a panel for homeowners and business owners to find out critical information about preparing for the next major disaster in the Los Angeles area," said Total Logistics Solutions, Inc. founder Rene' Jones. "We wish to become a leader all around the country in bringing a high level of education and sensitivity to homes and businesses in preparation for disasters such as fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake and terrorism. This seminar will be a first in many to come in L.A. and around the country," concluded Jones.
The public is invited to this free evening of great information on how to prepare themselves for any future disaster, if it were to come. Don't miss this informative meeting on how to protect your loved ones and personal possessions.
Pickwick Gardens Conference Center is located at 1001 Riverside Drive in Burbank. Refreshments will be served.
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Contact Details: po box 11146 Burbank CA 91510 888-807-0958