Press Release Summary: Translation company Lingo24 offers a free collection of useful phrases in several languages, plus a quick and easy way to bookmark them in your own library of links.
Press Release Body:
Whether you are planning a holiday in Marseille or a business trip to Seoul, you will certainly need to know a few basic phrases to help you get around. Just imagine not being able to say "Thank you", "Goodbye" or "Where's the toilet?". Not very pleasant, is it?
For this reason, Lingo24 has prepared a "language survival kit" ( that you can use for free to communicate with people who speak Chinese, German, French, Korean or Romanian. In other words, in the languages used by almost one quarter of the population of the globe.
Our collection of useful phrases includes the basic expressions you will need to know when travelling by car or plane, when you want to greet or thank someone, or when you need to make yourself understood at customs or in a bank.
To make sure the Lingo24 "language survival kit" is at hand the next time you need it, we invite you to store our collection of useful phrases by simply clicking on one or more of the bookmark links at the bottom of our page. You can now include a link to our website directly in your own library of links from one of the following networks: Delicious, StumbleUpon, Facebook, Reddit, Digg, Sphinn, Furl, Magnolia and Google Bookmarks.
About Lingo24
Lingo24 is one of the fastest-growing translation companies in the world, with operations in the UK and six other countries worldwide. Founded in 2001, the company is a great case study for:
: e-business (90% of its customers find it through the Internet)
: globalisation (its business is a barometer of globalisation for British business, and the company itself has \'internationalised\' in a short space of time)
: EU expansion (the company has its largest operation in Timisoara, Romania)
: green business (the company has a strict environmental policy and limited office use to minimise unnecessary travel)
: home-working (Lingo24 employees work from home more than 95% of the time)
: youthful entrepreneurialism (the company was established by a 22-year-old graduate of Oxford University)