`The Seven Cosmic Worlds` - William E Camilleri, Inner Light Society, Melbourne, Australia
Released on: December 30, 2007, 4:27 pm
Press Release Author: WILLIAM E. CAMILLERI
Industry: Education
Press Release Summary: The journey of mankind’s destiny to reach the Ultimate Light as shown by the Cosmological, Spiritual and Psychological Sciences of Rudolf Steiner and Carl G. Jung: A challenge to the Apocalypse of the 21st Century.
Press Release Body: WILLIAM E. CAMILLERI. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. E-MAIL ADDRESSES: wcamilleri@optushome.com.au rondellnominess@optushome.com.au http://www.trafford.com/07-1145
William E. Camilleri answers the questions asked by every individual in the 21st century about one’s origin, current life and what the individual and mankind will become physically, psychologically, historically and spiritually in the future. As the greatest living spiritual medium in the world today Camilleri presents these answers in a book pertinent to:
• Individuals interested in cosmology, spiritual and psychological sciences specifically Anthroposophy, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy and Jungian psychology. • Individuals involved in archeological and historical research and enquiry, political and economic scientists, historians, journalists and educators. • Scientists, biologists and community members interested in the climate change, ecosystem and biodiversity debates. • Readers of science fiction and New Age literature and those individuals interested in the self-help industry who are looking for psychological tools and spiritual answers. • Educators, parents, students and community members interested in the Intelligent Design debate.
THE SEVEN COSMIC WORLDS is the biography of the spiritual work of the greatest living spiritual medium in the world today. William E Camilleri uses the most powerful psychic spiritual channeling system in the 21st century; Spiritual Talking Method.
THE SEVEN COSMIC WORLDS introduces the past cosmic worlds of Saturn, Sun and Moon, which preceded the Earth cosmic world over thousands of billions of years, as well as the present cosmic world of Earth, which was produced by the Big Bang event, and the future cosmic worlds of Jupiter, Venus and Vulcan. These cosmic worlds are giant planets the size of galaxies of stars in physical dimension and were created spiritually before incarnating in the physical universe. In visions, images and dialogue with Spiritual Beings, Camilleri describes these cosmic worlds in graphic detail in showing what his spiritual eyes could see before the Big Bang event hundreds of billions of years into the past as well as into the future.
THE SEVEN COSMIC WORLDS describes the origin of the universe, mankind, the individual and all Spiritual Beings. This book shows an individual the macrocosmic origin of the universe. It shows microcosmically how a human being can relate to who he is, not only consciously but also unconsciously, and describes what the human being did in past lives as well as what he is to become historically, physically, psychologically and spiritually in future cosmic worlds.
Following discussions and descriptions of preceding incarnations of the current Earth planet, Camilleri describes epochs, races, events and ideologies specific to previous incarnations of the Earth planet which parallel events, ideologies and threats pertinent to mankind in the 21st century. The source of a parallel ideology, Intellectual Materialism, for example, which is a global ideology identifiable by Spiritual Talking Method, is described as being found in a ‘mother’ civilisation with super advanced technologies superior to 21st century technologies. Individuals in this civilisation had the ability, for example, to change spirit into matter and to control incarnations to a definite level. This civilisation existed on Atlantis 12, 000 years ago. The events, ideologies and cataclysms which occurred during the epoch of this civilisation parallel events and ideologies which threaten currently 21st century civilisation. Camilleri presents a way to understand the source of the unconsciousness of the individual and mankind in the 21st century and challenges the impact of this parallel ideology of Intellectual Materialism in relation to the future evolution of mankind and the Earth as also the source of ultimate Spiritual Light was found during this epoch of the super Atlantean race.
No writer or medium involved in the arenas of psychological, spiritual, political, historical and earth sciences, current popular non-fiction and science fiction has been able to describe previously in words, images and visions the events and ideologies that took place during such past epochs and parallel these events to 21st century civilisation. Camilleri provides these parallels and answers. In so doing he answers the questions asked by every individual concerning the origin, journeys and transformations of the individual and mankind and the ultimate end of the material universe.
William Camilleri has worked as Managing Director for various companies and businesses in Europe and Australia. He has written THE COLLECTED WORKS OF THE SCIENCE OF SPIRITUAL TALKING and has developed a unique spiritual channeling process, Spiritual Talking Method. The foundations of this Science are based on the Cosmological, Spiritual and Psychological Sciences of Rudolf Steiner and Carl G. Jung. He uses Spiritual Talking Method as a basis for directing and training members of the INNER LIGHT SOCIETY, Melbourne, Australia.
THE SEVEN COSMIC WORLDS: The journey of mankind’s destiny to reach the Ultimate Light as shown by the Cosmological, Spiritual and Psychological Sciences of Rudolf Steiner and Carl G. Jung: A challenge to the Apocalypse of the 21st Century. WILLIAM E. CAMILLERI. 254 pages, quality trade paperback, USD $18.77, AUD $21.70, C $21.59, EUR ₤ 9.70 ISBN 1-4251-3124-7, Catalogue No: 07-1145, Trafford publishing, Dec., 2007, is available from Trafford Publishing http://www.trafford.com/07-1145 and http://www.amazon.com.