Press Release Summary: Limagito is a utility to move/copy/del files.
Press Release Body: Having a naming convention for your work files is always good practice, and Limagito makes it easy for you. Designed to automate the process of moving, copying and renaming of files, it's your personal file manager that works constantly.
Limagito works with "threads" which are copy, move, or delete rules that tell the software what to do with certain files. Setting up different rules can range from being easy to moderately complex as it utilizes regular expressions. By default, Limagito scans the input directory to check for any file changes or additions. Once a rule is triggered, it automates the move or copy process of the file. You can move files on another local directory, an FTP directory or if you are using a paid version, send it via email. With Limagito, you can rename files as they are moved. This feature is very useful for backup purposes as system time and date stamps are available.
The free copy of Limagito allows for a single moving rule but with all options available. The paid copy will allow for unlimited rules and the option to move the file via email. Limagito is a Windows application.
There is probably not much left of what you could do with copy / move file this programm can\'t. Allthoug the Interface is not straight forward and the time until you get the \"grip\" is higher as in other tools, this one is amazing.