Press Release Summary: "An Investor's Rights Should Be Determined During the Investment Process"
Press Release Body: AngelNetwork has years of experience successfully matching entrepreneurs with angel investors through their educationally based memberships. Educating both entrepreneurs and investors proves for an enlightening investment experience for both parties. AngelNetwork continues to prove that an educational foundation helps both the investor and entrepreneur thoroughly understand the angel investing processes. educates investors and entrepreneurs regarding the rights of the angel investor. "Entrepreneurs need to understand the process of angel investing which includes the angel investor taking a part in the business to ensure success and a return on their investment," says Edward Bracken, Co-Founder of, LLC. It is of the utmost importance that the entrepreneur understands that the angel investor, in addition to investing funds, in many cases will invest time in the business as well. AngelNetwork also explains to the investor that although they have a part in the business, they must also understand that the ultimate responsibility of running the business belongs to the entrepreneur.
AngelNetwork stresses that both the entrepreneur and investor have the ability to mutually decide what role the investor will play in the business operation. It is also important to develop a consistent form of communication between the two parties. The two should determine what type of communication they will have in addition to what type of reports the entrepreneur will provide to the investor and a scheduled timeline in which those reports will be submitted. AngelNetwork explains to its members that angel investing can involve much more than investing or receiving funds. In many cases, the entrepreneur and investor must be able to build a working relationship. Membership information is available on their website
More Information about, LLC, LLC has been serving high net worth investors and entrepreneurs since 1997. They are an educational membership site that provides information to both high net worth investors and entrepreneurs to help them successfully invest in, raise capital for and structure their early stage, emerging growth and pre-IPO investment opportunities.
Contact details Edward Bracken, LLC T: 760-489-1342 E: This Press Release has been submitted by