Press Release Summary: Every challenge coin collector is out there looking for the best deal on a challenge coin and there is no doubt going to a real estate sale is usually the best, not everyone can go to one. The next best thing is an online auction and there are so many but not for coins. You will find two sites on the website auctioning challenge coins and they are eBay and Challenge Coin Auctions .c
Press Release Body: Every challenge coin collector is out there looking for the best deal on a challenge coin and there is no doubt going to a real estate sale is usually the best, not everyone can go to one. The next best thing is an online auction and there are so many but not for coins. You will find two sites on the website auctioning challenge coins and they are eBay and Challenge Coin Auctions .com. eBay is the one that everyone knows and shops. The latter is an upcoming auction people are starting to take notice of. Finding a deal is not the easiest thing out there because of the vastness and saturation of the market. People are just making coins just to make coins.
Knowing your price scale for coins can be an important thing along with being able to distinguish between a remake and the real thing. The best thing currently to defend against getting the wrong thing after you paid the price is belonging to an informative community. A lot of people don't realize how important both of these ideas are in being successful. Just sitting in front of your computer buying away without ever being a part of the bigger picture is like your first day at school and no one to send you off on your first ride on the school bus. It's a dangerous market with things like the mass production coming from Korea. People think they are buying an authentic 4 Star Gneral's coin and they are really getting an unapproved copy of one instead. These things can be avoided when at the auction block.
The previous example was a great example of how a community could easily have stepped in and someone like myself that has full knowledge of the coins coming out of Korea (because I was stationed there) could have saved you the $10 when you thought you were getting a coin worth $300 at a steal. Instead you get a coin at a counterfiet price. How you would like to be paid at the end of the week for 40 hours of work in fake $20 bills? The answer is always that you wouldn't. Take a step back and think before you get out there with your wallet at either challenge coin auction site and remember you have support waiting in the wings, all you have to do is google the words :challenge coin group" or "challenge coin trading" to get you in the right direction.
This process all together doesn't take long and you will find a lot of great people. A little advice though is never use the forum only to your benefit. If you contribute back enough you will reap better results from people versus a take only relationship. One day you will find yourself helping someone new in the hobby as well as you found yourself on day one. You gain a lot of pride and enjoyment out of the whole process and find the hobby experience multiple. Never forget that if you have the time to bid then you have the time to ask people about what you may be bidding on.