Press Release Summary: Why should you pay 1000 for a designer bag? How to spot chap replica, real bag and high quality replica.
Press Release Body: We all know designer handbags are everywhere. Most of us can\'t afford the authentic thing (with bags costing, on average, $1,500+), so we gravitate towards the desire and the temptation to buy a fake. Should we?
The key for a replica handbag is that no one can tell the difference from the real one. If this is not achieved.... then a designer knockoff is no good deal.
The answer is YES!!
There are different quality replica handbags: Cheap and ugly, and 100% exact to the real designer bag. That is the clue. Of course, are a bit more expensive. But what is a USD130 exact Hermes replica compared to the USD 7000 of the real bag??? Money well expent, for sure.!
1. STITCHING Stitching can be a dead giveaway. Inconsistent stitching and sloppy construction in less visible areas, such as the underside of the bag or inside pockets, are details to look for immediately. Authentic designer bags tack on an extra zero on that price tag due to extra, carefully-crafted construction. They cost more because they are built more complexly. 2. MATERIALS Many fakes are no longer made of PVC but of reasonably good leather, even lambskin; however, they are seldom as good as the materials labels like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Coach would use. Fake purses tend to be stiff and often have some sort of discoloration. When dealing with replica leather handbags, make sure the leather does not have an uneven look that is consistent. Also, people generally assume designer bags should be lined, which is why many replicas are lined. But, on the contrary, real purses are not.
Top quality 100% exact replicas
SUPER QUALITY REPLICA HANDBAG! Top quality designers replica handbags are such perfect replicas that no one will know that they are not the original handbags! Every replica bag and has been crafted from quality leather with great attention paid to detailing and finishing. The Luxury Bag Land team pays special attention to all the details, so your designer knockoff handbags will look, feel, smell just exactly as the real bag. and no one would really notice the difference!!! AAA quality designer handbag replicas have the look, feel and smell of the real thing. There are spots that will not sell anything less than the perfect replica handbag! The stitching is perfect, the markings are all correct and the craftsmanship is absolutely superb. Top quality designer fake handbags come with dustbags and tags just like the real ones, they all include the leather tags on the interior and all serial numbers as the originals do. All that for a discount over 90% from the original prices. LV bags top quality replicas are made with the highest quality products available. Each LV designer purse knockoff is made with the REAL oxidizing cowhide leather trims and handles, and the highest quality canvas and leather available. Cowhide leather oxidizes to a dark honey just the way the original Louis Vuitton handbags color as they age. So there is a way of making an excellent deal on your money investing in a high quality replica handbag, just have to make sure where to shop.