Press Release Summary: Production of Health drinks made from Betle leaf
Press Release Body: Betle leaf - known as pan in India. This green leves have medicinal value for which it can be used as health drinks. The most important properties of it is its antioxidant properties.
The extract of betle leave is used for the various treatment diseases like bad breath, boils and abscesses, conjunctivitis, constipation, headache, hysteria, itches, mastitis,mastoiditis, leucorrhoea, otorrhoea, ringworm,swelling of gum, rheumatism, abrasion, cuts and injuries.
The essential oil contained in the leaves possesses antibacterial, antiprotozoan and antifungal properties. Therefore, the oil kills or inhibits growth of dreadful bacteria causing typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis etc that needs proper evaluation and exploitation (CSIR, 1969).
The betle leaf is also used as cheap appetizer, digestive, mild stimulant, aphrodisiac and refreshing mastication and not only that the leaves are very nutritive and contain substantial amount of vitamins and minerals.
Due to the various medicinal value present in the betle leaf, soft drinks using betle leaf with adding suitable sweeteners and some organic elements to give the drink a unique taste and flavour is prepared and it will be available in near market of India before October. The laboratory work is going on at Chemical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. One kg of betel leaf yields 600 cubic centimetres of juice extract, so the drink could be costlier than the carbonated soft drinks now in the market.
The final stage of the production of the drink is reached and are ready to hand over the formulation to the West Bengal Food Processing & Horticulture Development Corp Ltd, a state government company that is supposed to manufacture and market the drink.
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Contact Details: Dr Siddhartha Datta Pro-Vice Chancellor Jadavpur University Kolkata E-Mail: