Press Release Summary: A new approach to dieting and exercising without the stress and guilt! Many weight loss plans are doomed to fail from the start or the weight comes back overtime once the program ends. ThreeYoga has a safe, gentle approach to helping people target and maintain their healthy weight and feel stress-free and happy in the process.
Press Release Body: ThreeYoga will be introducing a special 4-Week Weight loss coaching series in East Valley locations beginning early March. This program is an alternative to traditional diet/exercise plans where too much force is applied and not enough feeling. Yoga postures are introduced to strengthen the entire body while Meditation is used for creating relaxation and to de-stress, which work together effectively to produce results.
Research shows about 1 in 3 people are dieting at any given time so losing weight will continue to be a goal for most people. Many diet plans fail due to deprivation, setting unrealistic goals or just plain boredom. Also many people seek to lose weight quickly only resulting in gaining the weight back. Knowing what doesn't work will help for building a plan that will work.
ThreeYoga believes that depriving the body will affect the mind negatively. A positive mindset is necessary to make permanent changes and realistic goals are needed in order to transform slowly but surely. Integrating yoga and meditation will serve the whole individual and allow for a happy and content mind/body connection that can be experienced by all.