Press Release Summary: Diy Solar Guide is a unit of Silicon Solar Inc which is a world leader in innovative solar technologies. Diy Solar Guide offers two different subcategories of Solar Flood Lights. There are Solar Flood Light utilize LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology as well as those which utilize HID technology.
Press Release Body: There are two different subcategories of Solar Flood Lights which are available from Silicon Solar.
There are Solar Flood Light utilize LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology as well as those which utilize HID technology. Solar Flood Lights require different sized solar panels and different battery sources depending upon the specific model of the light and upon your particular application. Because Light Emitting Diodes are so efficient, they consume a good deal less energy than light bulbs (such as incandescent or even compact fluorescents) tend to consume, and they also produce more light per watt than incandescent light bulbs. Thanks to LED technology, Silicon Solar is able to offer high-output floodlights which require small solar panels and battery Systems even while producing what equates to 150 to 300 watts of light.
Many of these Solar Flood lights are also capable of serving as security lighting, sign lighting, or spot lighting. Solar Flood Lights are also both economical and environmentally friendly.
The energy of the sun is free to use, so operating solar energy products such as these will cost you nothing. Since they do not rely on electricity, they will also save you a lot of money over time, when it comes to your electricity bills. The energy of the sun is also clean and renewable, which means that solar energy products do not emit harmful CO2 or deplete natural resources.
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Contact Details: If you would like additional information on Solar Flood Lights from Diy Solar Guide, visit their website: or call their experienced sales team at 800.653.8540.