Press Release Summary: The most extensive professional source code manager for software developers.
Press Release Body: Whenever you read a books, browse the internet you found a lot of useful pieces of code snippets which can be reused in your applications. You are trying to save this information in documents, saved web pages, remarks and so on. But when you need it is difficult to find it because you use different types of formats, store in different places and there are no any structure. Here comes the Code Warehouse 2007.
Features For all developers: Structure and organization of your code snippets; Support of most popular databases: SQL Server, MySQL, SQL Server CE, Access; Powerful search; Merge function; Print and export; Bookmarks; Attachments (files, pictures); Syntax coloring of most popular programming languages;
For enterprise: Keep your databases in one share location; Support of versioning (Tag); Keep track of modification (Created Date – Updated Date).