Press Release Summary: CEO of Publicity 911, Florence Edwards, offers affordable publicity services.
Press Release Body: For Immediate Release Florence Edwards 213-448-5337
Not Your Average Publicist
Los Angeles, CA, (September 6, 2008)--Entertainment Publicist Florence
Edwards knows the value of good publicity. Just three years ago, she was fresh out of college with a Master\'s degree in hand, but with no job offers.
Instead of being discouraged, Flo created her own opportunity and developed Publicity 911, a very unique PR company specializing in assisting new talent, seasoned business owners and entrepreneurs build their businesses and careers from the ground up.
Ms. Edwards is very excited about providing affordable publicity services to her clients. Her new company provides quality press releases, pitch letters, bios, publicity plans, proposals, target market research, Internet publicity and much more.
Among the many services that Flo provides, she includes something extra special for her clients-motivational counseling. It is Flo\'s belief that publicists should do more than what\'s expected.
According to Flo, \"Client\'s need more than publicity services-they also need to be inspired and encouraged on a regular basis. I increase revenue for clients but also assist them with gaining the necessary mind-set they need to be successful.
Without confidence and a positive mental attitude, publicity can only take you so far. To be truly successful, you must believe in yourself first, and expect to acheive greatness. I motivate my clients and encourage them to reach beyond the stars.\"
Flo graduated from California State University and has a Master\'s degree in Mass Communication. She is a writer, motivational consultant and has worked at various entertainment companies.
Flo is available for selected pro bono work for a limited time.
For more information about Flo and Publicity 911, please visit