Press Release Body: Windows Security Tweaker is an autonomous provider of log-on and resource restriction security application integrated with, yet independent of, the Windows operating system. It has the capability of providing extremely strong, secure control of who can access a personal computer resources, and exactly what they can do and when they can do it while they have access to those resources. If a user\'s time limit has been set and it has been reached, the computer shuts itself off and that user can not log-on again until their permitted time range arrives. Windows Security Tweaker enables you to protect and totally control access to your personal computer. It offers administrative support for controlling which users are allowed to access your computer and the level of access each user may have. You can choose to restrict access to several Control panel applet functions, including Display, Network, Passwords, Printer, and System. It\'s not an \"all or nothing\" restriction -- for example: you can allow a particular user access to your wallpaper settings but not allow him to change your screen saver. You can also assign separate system profile folders to each user, providing each with his own custom desktop. You can additionally: disable Start menu items, hide your drives, disable the DOS prompt, hide desktop icons, and much more. You can even set an access timer for each user (when and how long access will be allowed) and allow access only to programs on your personal computer that you place on an accessibility list. It allows you to manage CD-ROM usage. You can create the CDs List and set what CDs the user can access. New powerful feature \"Folders Guard\" can help you keep your files protected. You can choose who gets access to what files on your computer. This program provides two levels of protection to suit any user : \"Hidden\" and \"Read Only\". It is a powerful program that is trusted and used by people at home, in schools, colleges, universities and offices ! Home page: Free download: