Gastric Band - £3980, inlcuding 3 x-ray assited refills
Released on: March 16, 2009, 6:11 am
Author: Beautiful Beings
Industry: Healthcare
The Gastric Band surgery will be carried out in a specialist
state hospital in Prague.
Gastric Band surgery is not an instant solution to weight loss. Having a gastric
band fitted will assist in decreasing overall daily food intake and can help you
achieve a sustainable weight.
The Gastric band works by causing a feeling of fullness when eating and will enable
you to reduce your daily intake of food and calories. The gastric band will make you
eat less, it will reduce the sensation of hunger and will progressively aide weight
This is achieved by placing the band around the uppermost part of the stomach,
dividing it into two sections, with a small opening between sections which allows
food to pass through. The section above the band forms a small pouch that fills with
food quickly.
Having the gastric band fitted will lead to a healthier lifestyle and lower the
risks of obesity related illnesses However changing your eating habits is an
important part of the gastric band surgery process. The gastric band will help you
to achieve substantial weight loss and reduce the risk of obesity related illnesses.
To achieve the maximum benefits from having the gastric banding, post-operative
discipline is an important part of the process.
You will need to go on a diet immediately after the gastric band surgery. You will
obtain a detailed dietary plan with essential and important advice from your
specialists. After the gastric band surgery you can consult the plan with a
dietologist recommended by your doctor.
Generally it means that following the gastric banding you will only be able to
consume liquid food within the first four weeks such as soup, tea, coffee,
unsweetened drinks, fruit and vegetable fruits, yoghurts etc. You will need to
reduce the amount of fluids consumed and not eat or drink large amounts at once.
The following two weeks you will be able to eat small portions of mushy, mixed food.
Next the diet will be replaced with common food. Please consult your doctor for more
detailed information.
These slow changes of eating habits are important for your recovery. During this
process the gastric band will be, thanks to body tissue, firmly placed on the
appropriate part of your stomach. Consuming large portions or frequent consumption
of solid food increases the risk of dislocating (moving) the gastric band out of its
position or the possibility of gradual upper stomach pocket stretching. The
consequence might be reduced weight loss and in some cases necessity for
Following the gastric banding you might find some food hard to eat. You will need to
chew your food more carefully than before the gastric band surgery. Keep in mind
that even after the gastric banding there is no quick solution to reduce your
weight. The results depend upon your ability to respect recommendations concerning
your diet and exercise routine.
Contact Details: beautiful beings
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suffolk ip14 3ez
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