npower’s generosity helps kids at Cedars School get around
Released on: March 9, 2009, 6:06 am
Author: npower
Industry: Non Profit
npower’s donation of £17,000 towards a brand new mini bus has
meant that students at Cedars School Sports College in Low Fell can,
once again, take part in extra-curricular activities including trips to
the swimming baths, leisure centre, parks and theatres.
The school caters for the needs of children with physical and speech and language
disorders and when one of their mini-buses failed its MOT, fund-raising for a new
Variety Club bus was moved to the top of the list of priorities. The challenge was
to raise over £15,500 within six months. It was a chance conversation with npower’s
Wes Craig, the uncle of Michael
Craig, one of the senior students at The Cedars that raised the possibility of some
Wes referred the request to the npower charities board and £17,000 was donated to
the school. Jane Fraser, head teacher at The Cedars, is delighted, saying:"npower's response truly was the answer to a prayer! We've already used the new
bus for a wide variety of trips and visits. It provides the children with an
opportunity to broaden their education in sporting and cultural activities.
"We have put the remaining £1,500 to kick off the fund-raising to replace the
second old mini-bus, as that, too, is on its last tyres."
Wes was amongst a group of npower
staff invited to join in the celebration of receiving the new bus. He found the
experience a humbling one, explaining: "It was good to be able to do something
positive for the Cedars in return for all the help and support they have given
Michael and many other children, over the years."
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About npower
npower is one of Britain's largest electricity suppliers and supplies gas,
electricity and related services to 6.6 million customers across the UK.
RWE npower has been awarded the prestigious CommunityMark from Business in the Community
(BITC). npower is the only utility business, amongst 21 other companies in the UK,
to receive this accolade. The CommunityMark is a new BITC standard which has been
created to recognise companies that are good investors in local communities and who
have brought about real and positive changes.
The npower Active programme, which is run in partnership with the English Federation of Disability
Sport, has been awarded a prestigious ‘Silver Big Tick’ by Business in the Community
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Sunita Patel
PR Executive
Oak House
01905 340 876