Patients Should Turn To Health Insurance For Dental Care, According To Insurancewide


Released on: June 02, 2009, 9:55 am
Author: Insurancewide
Industry: Financial

As a recent study from Simplyhealth indicates that people in Britain are struggling with the cost of dental care, Insurancewide - a leading UK insurance comparison site - is urging people to turn to health insurance as a way of reclaiming this expense.

According to the Simplyhealth Annual Dental Survey released in April 2009, one out of every three Brits is struggling to find an NHS dentist, a figure that's up from just under one in four in 2008. The situation is particularly bad in Plymouth, where over 50 percent of people cannot find an NHS dentist. What's more, over half of the respondents said they were putting off visiting the dentist for fear of how much it may cost. As a result, Insurancewide is urging these patients to consider taking out a health insurance policy that includes dental cover as a long-term money saving measure.

What to expect in dental cover from a health insurance policy

Before choosing a health insurance plan with dental cover, it's important to consider what's most important to you - for instance, do you want regular check-ups with the dentist to be covered by your policy? Or you may consider emergency dental treatment a must in your cover options. Generally, most dental insurance plans will include cover for both these events, but it's crucial to check your policy before purchase nonetheless.

With a comprehensive dental insurance policy in place, patients can often claim back 100 percent of their dental costs (as long as they fall within their annual limit for the year). Claims can usually be made straight away and cover may be extended to include other family members at a minimal weekly or monthly cost. Dental health insurance also gives patients the opportunity to visit an NHS dentist or private orthodontist. So not only could it help eliminate the unpredictable cost of visiting the dentist, dental cover could even make it considerably easier for patients to find dentists in their local area.

Insurancewide specialises in allowing people in the UK to compare health insurance providers across the market and obtain competitive health insurance quotes. By carrying out an insurance comparison, it's possible to consider both the price of health cover and what's included in particular policies. For instance, some health insurance plans may include dental cover as standard; others may offer it at a higher premium. Initially, health insurance premiums may seem like an extra monthly outgoing but their long term benefits are likely to make visits to the dentist both more affordable and convenient.

About Insurancewide

Insurancewide, also known as Services Limited, is an online insurance comparison website offering insurance comparison tools which allow users to search the market and procure the best insurance policies and quotes. Insurancewide was launched in August 1999 as the first insurance comparison website on the internet.

Insurancewide is FSA regulated.

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