Ultimate Sports Decor Announces Quarterly College Poll


Released on: August 10, 2009, 3:51 am
Author: Forward Momentum LLC
Industry: Sports

UltimateSportsDecor.com has launched an online poll in which fans are invited to determine which university will receive the company's quarterly charitable donation.

Voters can chose among four universities each quarter. The school with the most votes will receive 5 percent of third-quarter sales from UltimateSportsDecor.com. The donation will be earmarked for scholarships.

The 2009 third-quarter poll includes the University of Oklahoma, University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin and Florida State University. Votes can be cast through Sept. 30.

"Giving back has been at the forefront of our business since conception. Too many kids do not get the opportunity to go to college to further their education and quality of life. I know firsthand how a scholarship can make a dramatic impact on a student." said Andrew Nadler, co-founder of Forward Momentum LLC. Forward Momentum owns and operates sports-related Web sites UltimateSportsDecor.com and GnomeFrenzy.com.

Established in 2008, Grayslake, IL-based UltimateSportsDecor was founded by passionate sports fans. The Web-based company offers unique, licensed team-themed products for more than 60 U.S. universities.

For more information about Ultimate Sports Decor, please visit
www.ultimatesportsdecor.com, call 1-877-710-4908 or e-mail

Contact Details: Forward Momentum LLC
1830 Belle Haven Dr.
Grayslake, IL 60030

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