Assess Risk and Save on Home Owners Insurance

on: September 17, 2009, 7:19 am
Author: Rafael Onak,
Industry: Financial
the competition for the safest home begin! The winning prize?
The lowest home owners insurance rates around. According to a
recently published article on, homeowners
looking to save on their insurance should first assess their home
to make sure it doesn’t pose any threats.

likes a surprise that results in having to spend more than they
were expecting,” the article, Home Owners Insurance:
Assess Your Risk, states. “If you honestly assess your
home and the risk that it represents to your insurer then you
will be able to take the proper measures in lowering your risk,
thus lowering your home owners insurance.”
of a home, such as its age or the neighborhood it’s located
in, can cause a homeowner’s rates to either increase or
decrease. The age of a home affects rates because the older the
home is, the more likely the home’s materials, foundation,
and wiring and heating systems are not up to current building
codes, making it more vulnerable to external damage. “Newer
homes are more attractive to insurance companies because they
were built with modern materials are generally more resilient
to damage,” the article emphasizes.
The neighborhood around the home
is an integral factor as well.
crime rate of the neighborhood you live in is an important factor
in the mind of your insurer,” the article describes. “If
it isn’t the best then you can buffer your situation by
taking measures to secure your house with deadbolt locks, motion
sensor lights, and a security system.”
a homeowner might believe their home is safe, an inspector might
think otherwise. Taking the necessary measures to fully assess
a home can prevent home owners insurance rates from skyrocketing.
Nobody likes to pay more than they have to, so contact a home
insurance agent today to inquire about other steps that can be
taken to ensure the lowest homeowners insurance
quotes around.
Visit for expert articles and Hinsurance quotes
from up to five local agents.
Details: Tom Lustina
435 North LaSalle
Chicago, IL
614 286 0193