Letters To Santa Bring Joy To The Little Santa Letter Helpers


Released on: October 26, 2009, 2:57 am
Author: Santa Himself / Package From Santa.com
Industry: Advertising

Children everywhere send Letters to Santa during the holiday season. Santa regularly hears from children that live in Canada, the United States, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom, and so many other places.

Because children come from different places and they are individuals with various wants and needs, each letter written to Santa is slightly different than the others he receives. Children that live in Hawaii often ask Santa for new swim gear and children that live in Canada are likely to ask for new sleds or snowboards. The point is, the letters written to Santa Claus are personalized to meet the needs and wants of the individual child writing the letter.

But even so, there are a few things that most children have in common as they write. First of all, most children want to insure that they are on Santa’s Nice list. This means that for some, they will be direct and ask; for others, they will simply explain away any naughty behavior. The second thing that most of these letters include is a list of toys and other gifts that the children would like to receive for Christmas. After all, they don’t want to be disappointed when Christmas morning arrives!

The third and final thing included in most letters written to Santa Claus is a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Santa Claus and his helpers for the wonderful Christmases of years past. Those helpers most often mentioned are the elves and the reindeer. The reindeer are well aware of the appreciation felt for their services of flying Santa around the world on Christmas Eve because children often leave treats out for them to eat on that special night.

But when it comes to the little elves that work hard all year to insure that every toy asked for is delivered on time, these letters are the only way they find out how much the children value what they do. That’s why Santa and Mrs. Claus share these letters with the elves. Letters that mention the elves are some of the most special ones that Santa receives all year long.

When Santa letters mention the elves and an appreciation for their work it makes them realize just how important their role really is. Christmas could not be Christmas without the help of the elves. Many times Santa will write a special note to children which reminds them of all the hard work done by the elves, the reindeer, all the other animals at the North Pole. Santa knows that without their help he could not make Christmas as magical as it is. A Letter from Santa is only made possible because Santa has the time to write them – and he would not have that time available without the help of the elves.
Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus work hard to let all their helpers know just how appreciated they really are. In fact, Santa has a special holiday set aside just for his helpers – it’s a day that no work is done and everyone receives a special gift. Santa decorates the walls of his home with all the letters that include a special ‘Thank You’ for the elves, the reindeer, and the other helpers. Mrs. Claus cooks a delicious meal for the entire group and they eat, sing and dance all day. This is the way the helpers celebrate a job well done!

As the only company that “Santa Himself” endorses as an official associate, ‘Package From Santa” is the most trusted provider of Christmas letters from Santa. This company, Santa’s official associate, has sent millions of Personalized Santa Letters to children living everywhere. http://www.packagefromsanta.com/


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