Local Politician Uses Innovative Social Marketing To Get Rural Tennessee Residents Registered To Vote


Released on: March 02, 2010, 8:27 am
Author: DouglasLakeFun.com
Industry: Advertising

Bradley Troutman grew up in Jefferson County, and has farmed his land in Dandridge for as long as he can remember. He most recently decided run for the vacant Register of Deeds position in Jefferson County, TN and began to think of new and exciting ways that he could the word out about his campaign. Although social media is a recent addition to his life and campaign he has embraced it fully with the help of www.DouglasLakeFun.com and the addition of an election Facebook page.

The idea to provide anyone in Jefferson County, TN a personal visit to provide them with voter registration just came naturally to him. The personable warm smile and ability to talk to anyone makes him a natural fit as candidate for Register of Deeds and will help him garner more voter interest for all of Jefferson County's future elections.

Anyone that is not registered to vote in Jefferson County, TN and desires a personal delivery of the appropriate paperwork from Bradley Troutman is urged to visit http://www.douglaslakefun.com/index.php/coupons, log in, and print the coupon. Mention this when you contact him and he will set up a time when he can deliver the paperwork.

Bradley Troutman a candidate for the vacant Register of Deeds position in Jefferson Couny, TN was reviewing the list of registered voters when he realized that only a small population of the eligible public was registered to vote. He teamed up with www.DouglasLakeFun.com to provide a coupon to allow anyone, anywhere in Jefferson County, TN to have the necessary paperwork delivered to them free of charge by Bradley Troutman.

Bradley Troutman, www.DouglasLakeFun.com, Voter registration drive

Douglas Lake Fun

Troutman for Register of Deeds

Bradley Troutman a candidate for the vacant Register of Deeds position in Jefferson Couny, TN was reviewing the list of registered voters when he realized that only a small population of the eligible public was registered to vote. He teamed up with www.DouglasLakeFun.com to provide a coupon to allow anyone, anywhere in Jefferson County, TN to have the necessary paperwork delivered to them free of charge by Bradley Troutman.

Contact Details: Douglas Lake Fun