Honorary Chairmen Named for First Amos House of Faith Golf Classic

on: May 24, 2010, 2:20 am
Author: The Amos House of Faith
Non Profit
Dr. Richard Waunerdi, Texas Medical Center President and Rick Flanagan, Chief of the Houston Fire Department will serve as Honorary Chairmen for the First Amos House of Faith Golf Classic.
The tournament, a shotgun start, 4-person scramble, will be held Monday, July 19, 2010 at Southwyck Golf Club in Pearland, Texas. Come and play with a purpose. support the burn community (adults, children, caregivers and firefighters) in Houston, Texas and surrounding areas.
Daryl Gardener (Baylor University and 1996 first round pick of the Miami Dolphins) is a special partner of The Amos House of Faith and has invited other members of the NFL Players Association to join him in supporting this cause while enjoying a day of golf, networking, great food, fun and prizes.
The Amos House of Faith, a non-profit organization, provides support for survivors of burn trauma. The organization needs community involvement to make 2010 the year of a groundbreaking ceremony for a House of Hope for burn survivors and their families. Founder and Executive Director, Justina Page knows just how arduous the road to recovery can be.
On March 7, 1999 the Page family (Justina, her husband and six sons) experienced the horror of a house fire. The fire claimed the life of the Page's 22-month old twin son, Amos, and severely injured Justina and the other twin. She knows firsthand the depth of support necessary to heal the physical and emotional trauma and transform a burn patient from a victim to a survivor. Visit www.theamoshouseoffaith.org to view the video of the Page family's story entitled "Tragedy to Triumph".
Sponsorship opportunities and registration forms are available on the website or contact:
Justina Page, Executive Director 832-816-5728
Talia Washington, Tournament Operations 832-577-1540
Contact details:
Justina Page, Founder and Executive Director
Company Name: The Amos House of Faith
Telephone Number: 832-816-5728
FAX Number: 713-629-6008
Email: Justina_Page@theamoshouseoffaith.org
Website: www.theamoshouseoffaith.org