LighterLife Podcast Presents Carole Malone Talking About Her Weight Loss Journey
on: May 06, 2010, 2:57 am
Industry: Healthcare
Carole Malone, celebrity and News of the World journalist, has
spoken out about her LighterLife weight loss journey on Inside
LighterLife the company's monthly podcast. Thousands of people across
the country will listen to Carole's story of how she dropped three
dress sizes in three months. She tells how Jackie Llewelyn-Bowen
inspired her to join LighterLife after seeing her on GMTV and how easy
she found LighterLife Total.
Carole began LighterLife Total in October 2009 and admits going to her counsellor
Jill Bonney with the 'wrong attitude'. She said she was grumpy at her first
LighterLife session and realised by the fourth day of Total that food had control
over her. She met up with Jill and recognised that she wasn't the only one feeling
that way, everyone in the group was in the same boat.
Carole said: "I was desperate having tried and failed every diet over the past 25
years. I needed something radical, I was out of control. I also wasn't prepared to
take a whole year losing three stone on another weight loss programme. When I got on the scales after the first week I lost
a whole dress size - the immediate results were motivating and also seeing everyone
else in the group lose weight kept me going."
One person Carole immediately bonded with was Elisabeth Piner who started
LighterLife Total at the same time as her and also lost the same amount of weight
too. They have remained firm friends and meet up outside of the group for a coffee
and catch up. Elisabeth has a dress hire business based in Kingston called 'Having
a Ball Dress Hire' where they can both now enjoy trying on size 12 dresses.
Jill Bonney their LighterLife counsellor said, "I am absolutely delighted with how
well Carole and Elizabeth have done. They both understand the importance of the
Route to Management part of LighterLife Total and after nine years of Counselling I
still say the key to maintaining weight loss is recognition and underneath that is planning".
About LighterLife
LighterLife is an industry leader in weight management, with an established, highly
successful approach to significant weight
loss and lifetime weight
management. Since 1996 LighterLife has helped over 200,000 people all over the UK
and Ireland lose weight fast and keep it off.
Designed specifically for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a
body mass index of 25 or above, the unique LighterLife approach offers programmes
specific to the obese and the overweight using nutritionally balanced soups, shakes
and bars combined with specialised counselling techniques. Clients benefit not only
from rapid, safe weight loss but they also learn the behavioural changes needed to
sustain it.
PR contact:
Josie Smart
PR Advisor
Cavendish House
Harlow Business Park
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01279 636998