Hazmat Training Comes to Cleveland, OH
Released on: July 23, 2010, 3:51 am
Environmental Resource Center
Industry: Environment
When workers handle hazardous waste or ship hazardous
materials, training is not just a good idea, it’s the law. According to
the Ohio EPA, workers who handle hazardous waste must be trained
annually, and the federal DOT requires that workers involved in the
shipment of hazardous materials be trained at least every three years.
Environmental Resource Center, the leading provider of environmental and safety
training, will present the mandatory training in Cleveland at the Holiday Inn Select
- Strongsville on August 3-5, 2010.
Hazardous Waste Management: The Complete Course will be taught on August 3 and 4.
DOT Hazardous Materials Training: The Complete Course will be taught on August 5 at
the same location. Classes begin at 8am and end at 5pm each day.
Untrained workers are frequently the cause of environmental accidents and penalties.
In 2007, more than 20 companies had been cited by the Ohio EPA for the mismanagement
of hazardous waste.
Registration for the training is available by calling 800-537-2372 or at
Now in its 29th year, Environmental Resource Center trains not only thousands of
industry personnel every year, the company also trains personnel from most of the
state and federal agencies that enforce the regulations.
Contact Details: Malia Campbell
Environmental Resource Center
919-469-1585; Fax: 919-342-0807
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