Kids and Shoes…A Never-Ending Saga!
Online Auctions; the Back to School Shoe Savings Answer
Released on: August 27, 2010, 12:49 pm
Ellen Simes
Apparel & Fashion
August 27, 2010 --- A kid's foot grows a full shoe size nearly every 6 months... which is kind of ridiculous because it means they barely put on a pair of shoes before they've outgrown them! As they grow, most kids also partake in a multitude of activities: soccer, t-ball, ballet, basketball, etc… meaning they continually need new shoes for each sport, season, size and so on. Let's not even talk about the fact that it's in most children's natures to whirl though everything in their path: Grandma's antique heirloom vase, hamsters, goldfish, Dad's glasses and the latest fads and fashions; at times they really are just one step up from puppies. As a result, their footwear needs change in an instant; something fashionable one day, is freakish the next.
Because of these truths, it's safe to say that a kid goes through shoes like Lindsay Lohan goes through court dates. Basically, this means that around at least once a month their bedraggled mothers and bewildered fathers are stuck dragging Little Susie and Baby Billy to the shoe store, putting up with their wiggling, patiently dealing with kicks to the shins during fittings, to pick out new shoes AGAIN, and footing the ever growing bill (pun most definitely intended).
Raising a child has always been expensive; and the cost of raising a child TODAY is frightening. According to the National Retail Federation, parents will spend an average of $606 on back to school supplies and $103 on shoes alone this year. Kids want the coolest clothes, the newest iPhone; they want to play on travel tournament teams and text until their thumbs fall off. Not to mention the cost of that brand new, and very safe SUV to tote said kids around, the gas to fill it, food and grocery costs. Dad can kiss his once a week golf habit goodbye and Mom's just gonna have to deal with her gray roots growing in, cause a pricey professional dye job just isn't in the cards.
Being a parent today is starting to sound grim…but…help is on the way! If The Shoe Doesn't Fit wants to help doting parents with at least one aspect of the costs of raising kids. The website is an online auction site dedicated to shoes and shoe related items only. Besides the holidays, the scariest and most costly time of year for parents is undoubtedly Back To School. If The Shoe Doesn't Fit gives Moms and Dads a way to save on that never-ending expense of school shoes. The site offers a continually changing selection of children's shoes at affordable prices AND helps Mom avoid the dreaded trip to the shoe store (trying to get a seven year old boy to sit still while attempting to fit shoes on him is straight misery).
Moms and Dads can also make extra money by selling those outgrown, barely or never worn shoes on the site for just $1 per listing. So now parents have a place to go when Target won't return that pair of pink Mary Janes that their daughter never got to wear.
The fact is kids are a blessing. They're cute and funny without trying, they're the best parts of their parents, and someday they'll be the ones putting the diapers on dear old Dad. But they're an expensive blessing. So before the sound of Elmo laughing forces Mom to scream, she should check out If The Shoe Doesn't Fit. It might not make Elmo go away, but it can ease some of her financial burdens.
About If The Shoe Doesn't Fit: Based in Massachusetts , If The Shoe Doesn't Fit connects online shoe sellers and shoppers through an auction site that helps sellers maximize their profits and shoppers find footwear easily and quickly.
For more information contact:
Ellen Simes
If The Shoe Doesn't Fit
Tel: 413-505-9357
Fax: 413-734-8887

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