Rebuilding the Amazon Rainforest One Tree at a Time
Released on: June 15, 2011, 2:42 am
Amazing Forest
Non Profit
What is Amazing Forest
Yes, the Amazon rainforest is being cut down as you read this. 17% is already gone.
The world's lungs - as it's referred to - is decreasing in size. Yes, everyone
knows this. But what can we really do about it? The Amazing Forest is a chance to do
something right from where you are, sitting in your chair, a few clicks and USD 60
Amazing Forest is the venue where people from all over the world are combining their
efforts into one single strain to restore the Amazon rainforest to its original
We sell trees. Not trees to be delivered to your door, but to be planted on your
behalf, in your name, in a designated specific area of the Amazon rainforest. The
trees being planted are new trees. So, instead of preserving already existing areas
of the rainforest, the Amazing Forest is actually reversing deforestation. We take
so much from Earth everyday; this is a way to give something back to it.
It's a common saying that, to eternalise your passage in this life, one must have
children, write a book and plant a tree. Well, the four tree species that are
currently being planted in the Amazing Forest (they are native species typical of
the region: jatoba, copaiba, ipe rosa and louro freijo) live in average 200 years.
And what's cool about it, people get their own tree, which will never be cut down
and remain throughout its life individualised by a name tag, with the name they
choose for it.
"We want to give people the opportunity to make a difference for the environment
while leaving their own positive footprint in the planet", says Rodrigo Nascimbeni,
the founding partner of the company, "a footprint so tangible and concrete that
people can come and see it, show to their children, to their great-grand-children,
to their friends…" he goes on referring to the fact that customers can visit their
tagged trees in situ while walking inside the real Amazon rainforest.
Amazing Forest goes much beyond simply selling trees online, it is each person's
way to contribute to a better world and to guarantee that future generations will
share the same bliss to live here on our planet.
And, better yet, this noble act of planting a tree and committing to a better world
can be renewed as often as wanted. Each tree is sold for USD 60.
Besides doing your share of good for a better planet, people can buy trees either as
a present for a loved one, a memorial, a way to mark an important occasion or as a
simple and convenient method of offsetting their carbon emissions.
Amazing Forest launched on Monday the 23rd of May 2011. The first piece of land to
be replanted is situated approximately 34 miles outside the city of Boa Vista,
Roraima State in North Brazil (if you go to Google Maps, we're right where the
green arrow points to at these coordinates 2 29 44.40 N 60 56 40.85 W).
The Amazon rainforest is the world’s largest rainforest. It is the home of the
world’s richest area of plant and animal diversity and an enormous source of
potential lifesaving medicines. Not only that, it is a massive carbon sink that acts
as the lungs of the world. Sadly, it is believed that “at current [deforestation]
rates, 55% of [the Amazon’s] rain forests could be gone by 2030 - a looming disaster
not only for the region’s plants and animals, but for the world”. (Quote Source:
Who is behind Amazing Forest
Amazing Forest is the realisation of four guys. It all started when the Brazilian
Rodrigo Nascimbeni and the New Zealander Ben Cook, two lifelong friends, decided to
take on this journey.
“We don’t believe that the size of a task should limit your ambition,” says Ben
Cook. “The sad fact is that over 17% of this forest which is so integral to the
health of our planet has been devastated by deforestation. If we all wait for
someone else to take on this problem then we might just be too late. Rodrigo and I
believe we have the passion and the skills to make this project work as a viable
business where we can have fun whilst using our respective abilities to actually do
something positive for the world we live in.”
Before launching Amazing Forest, Rodrigo created something called a receivables
investment fund, the first one in Brazil. He also started and managed a few
companies in the financial sector - which means he probably just gave up a
successful international career in Investment Banking to plant trees in the Amazon
Ben, although he achieved an honours degree in Plant Science, is the co-founder of
Shake Interactive, a digital marketing agency operating from South Africa and the
The two met in 1993 when Ben took part in a Rotary youth exchange programme in the
tiny town of Votuporanga in Brazil. What started as a mutual need to learn the
others native tongue ended in a lifelong friendship. Both have always wanted to work
together but their respective careers had taken them in opposite directions and to
different hemispheres.
As Amazing Forest was boiling inside their minds, they met Manuel Haas and Florian
Herzog, two German Forest Engineers - also lifelong friends - living in Brazil and
widely experienced in rainforest management and regeneration. Manuel and Florian
came on board at the founding stages and are now an integral part of the team.
Not only do the four men aim to reverse the deforestation process in the Amazon, but
10% of any profits made will be donated to the WWF and a range of local Amazon
If you’d like more info, you can reach us at:
Rodrigo Nascimbeni
Skype: nascimbeni1
Brazil mobile: +55 11 7668 6884
UK mobile: +44 7766 889 329
Ben Cook
Skype: shakeben
UK mobile: +44 7866 720 830

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