New Documentary About Gay Seniors Debuts October 15, 2011
Released on: October 06, 2011, 12:33 pm
Author: Hamid Massoud
A new documentary about gay seniors is being released on October 15, 2011, by Multivision Productions, a San Francisco Bay Area video production company that specializes in online videos for non-profits, governmental agencies, as well as corporations.
“I could not believe my eyes and ears as I was filming this short documentary,” states Hamid Massoud, President of Multivision Productions. Massoud, a veteran of Bay Area video production, claims that shooting and particularly editing the film “Out for Justice” has been one of the most touching and emotionally intense projects that he's ever been involved with. “I have been doing this for 18 years, and a project like this only comes around once in a blue moon. A great deal of intense feelings are stirred by this short film,” stated Massoud, who is also a respected name in Bay Area corporate video.
Multivision is an award-winning San Francisco video production company which creates online marketing & training videos for organization of all types, including Fortune 500, non-profits, individuals and government agencies. Furthermore, Multivision is a major player in Bay Area video transfers industry.
Multivision's latest film, “Out for Justice” includes candid interviews with LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) seniors who openly share their life experiences with the audience. The goal of this film is to create awareness among the general population as well as health care providers about issues relating to LGBT seniors. The interviews with the LGBT seniors, which last about 30 minutes in total, are shocking in terms of the extreme degree of discrimination that these individuals had to go through in their lives.
Multivision produces both for profit and non-profit films and videos. “Out for Justice” which had its premiere recently, has been described as a highly personal and emotional film. “There wasn't a dry eye in the room when we showed the video for the first time. You cannot help but be inspired by the courage and bravery of the four individuals who are featured in this touching and socially-relevant video documentary,” stated Massoud. Living up to its reputation as a major Bay Area video duplication resource, this video will be made available online by Multivision Productions.
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If you'd like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Hamid Massoud, please call him directly at (925) 935-9998 or e-mail him at
Contact Info: Hamid Massoud, Multivision Productions
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