Readers Of The Co-Operative Magazine Don't See Results Of ‘Beauty Sleep'
Released on: November 09, 2011, 1:43 pm
Jeanette Franks
In a recent poll put to readers of The Co-operative Magazine,
70 per cent of people feel that they don’t see the results of ‘beauty
The poll – which asked “Do you think you get enough beauty sleep?”- found that of
the 215 people questioned, 70 per cent said ‘It doesn’t look like it’, 18 per cent
answered ‘Clearly I do’, and 12 per cent replied ‘I won’t be the judge’.
The Co-operative Magazine sets up regular polls to find out what its readers feel
about themselves and their lifestyles. Other recent polls have been based on whether
or not people find housework therapeutic, if people would like to live abroad and
whether or not people like to bake at home. Readers can answer such polls online at
As well as taking part in regular polls, readers can find out what’s in season, browse healthy recipes online and healthy eating tips, get tips on how to get fit and much more! November’s issue is online now and includes great features
such as a guide to the best Christmas markets in Europe and top tips for buying
winter boots for kids.
Additional Information:
The Co-operative Group is the UK’s largest mutual business, owned not by private
shareholders but by its six million members. It is the UK’s fifth biggest food
retailer, the leading convenience store operator and a major financial services
provider, operating The Co-operative Bank, Britannia and The Co-operative Insurance.
Among its other businesses are the number one funeral services provider and
Britain’s largest farming operation. As well as having clear financial and
operational objectives, the Group has also set out its social and sustainability
goals in its groundbreaking Ethical Plan, which specifies almost 50 commitments in
these areas.
The Group operates over 5,000 retail trading outlets, employs more than 110,000
people and has an annual turnover of £13.7bn. Further information is available at
For more information please contact:
Jeanette Franks
Editor – The Co-operative Magazine
The Co-operative Group
Tel: 0161 8275692

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