Press Release Summary = on the website you will find infos about SEO. Here a example: How Search Engine Spiders Work
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12.12.2005
How Search Engine Spiders Work.
Today there are hundreds of search engines to be had, but some are far more intricate than others. This article will present you a general idea of how some of the most well-liked work. Let's begin with a less significant engine: InfoSeek. I only catalog about 200 words of your web page, so it's imperative to be positive having meta-tags on your site, and that the most significant things are listed first. The information you put in your meta-tags will be applied to present a description of your site, and most meta-tags can contain about 200 characters of text. The keywords meta-tag, however, can have up to 1,000 characters. These uncomplicated rules have to be kept on mind for all search engines. The main information has to be to the beginning of your meta-tags or to the beginning of your site's content. Several search engines will not even contact your meta-tags so it is imperative that you count with the same information that you have in your meta-tags in your body (although you evidently cannot simply enter lists and lists of key words because it could be disadvantageous for your site's content). The AltaVista search engine will send Scooter, its spider, to investigate your whole site. Scooter can be as long as three months "spidering" and fully alphabetically listing your site - the standard spider only takes 6-8 weeks. Scooter will usually spider from two to ten pages of your site weekly. This means that the longer that your web site lasts, the better it will be cataloged which is in example of how search engines put into practice Darwin's Theory into their philosophy. Excite used to be a search motivating force, but now has jumped down to end up being the provider of AOL and Netscape search, so it's not as much of significant than once was. The algorithm it utilizes to establish the importance of the keyword is awfully intricate: it catalogs your pages and then tries to go over the main points by choosing simply the most significant sentences. You can expect to have your pages appraised approximately once each two weeks. Remember that with meta-tags has no implication to Excite when it comes to rankings although it will make use of your report-tags only if the words are relevant to your pages' content. Let's move on to Lycos. Lycos has fully integrated the Open Directory Project into their mainstream results pages, and they also use search results from AllTheWeb. Lycos also runs click-throughs to their sister site HotBot. Lycos is one of the harder search engines to understand, as their submission pages say one thing but then they index your site in a completely different way. As a general rule of thumb, your site will be indexed in Lycos in due time as long as you get indexed in ODP and AllTheWeb.
For More Information Contact:
Mr. christoph aeberhard