Quit Smoking - Kick The Smoking Habit Once Ang For All

Released on = December 30, 2005, 6:46 pm

Press Release Author = NicocurePatch.Info

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = In just 30 days or less, you will quit smoking and be on
your way back to better health... Guaranteed! We guarantee you will quit smoking
with our new Quit Smoking Discovery! If you\'ve ever needed or wanted to quit
smoking, then this is what you have been waiting for, stop smoking today!

Press Release Body =
Every time you smoke a cigarette, a drug called Nicotine enters your body (along
with hundreds of other toxic chemicals - some even kill insects on contact, and some
are used to embalm dead bodies). Nicotine is the substance responsible for fooling
your brain into releasing a \"pleasure\" chemical called Dopamine. Nicotine receptors
on your nerve endings receive the Dopamine and create \"Happy\" nerve cells. It\'s
Dopamine that gives you a false sense of well-being, and soon the body wants more
and more Dopamine on a regular basis. This is the beginning of your addiction.

NicocureŽ\'s amazing formula safely mimics the properties of nicotine. It acts on the
\"Nicotine Receptors\" in your body, effectively fooling them into thinking it\'s
getting more Nicotine, while keeping you calm and relaxed during Nicotine
withdrawal. It will help you quit smoking for good. Cigarette smoking is harmful to
your health and a high risk factor for heart disease, lung cancer and stroke, but
did you know that cigarette smoking is one of the main killers in the world?

Why then do so many people still smoke? The answer to this question is that quitting
smoking is not easy. Keeping this in mind, and after analyzing many studies and
products in the market, our team of herbal experts and psychologists developed a
revolutionary formulation under the trademark of NicocureŽ Patch that guarantees
smoking cessation in a very short period of time.

NicocureŽ Patch fights the three major factors that get in the way of you quitting

1. Nicotine addition
2. Withdrawal symptoms
3. Nicotine intoxication

The first day you use NicocureŽ Patch you will smoke up to half or less of what you
usually smoke. You will break your habit gradually, with less physical and emotional
stress and in a short period of time.

Withdrawal symptoms will be milder due to the natural nicotine substitute, which
helps you shake the nicotine habit gradually. Furthermore, to help you in this
process, the NicocureŽ Patch herbal formulation contains herbal ingredients that
also combat the anxiety and depression that affect most people who are trying to
quit smoking.

The nicotine content in your body will gradually fade off as you wear the patch, and
to help you speed up this process, NicocureŽ Patch contains antioxidant herbal
ingredients to help detoxify your body and get rid of the nicotine. Most of the
harmful effects of smoking for years will start to disappear gradually once you stop
smoking completely and as the nicotine intoxication wears off. More than 10 years of
experience have gone imto the patented herb extraction process used to process the
unique herbal formulation in NicocureŽ Patch.

The patch application method allows for the active ingredients to penetrate the skin
and reach the bloodstream faster and more conveniently than any other method. Other
methods such as pills, even if effective, must be taken several times per day since
they lose most of their active ingredient as they are processed by stomach acids,
eventually minimizing their effect.

Web Site = http://nicocurepatch.info

Contact Details = Customer Service

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