Press Release Summary = Will Succeed In Another Million Dollar Fad-Vertising Campaign?
Press Release Body = Lintech Systems (Lintech), launches and sets out to succeed in another advertising fad. With the increasing number of \"fad-vertising,\" Lintech wants to prove that the concept from can not only be successfully executed again, but that anyone and everyone can do it with a little dedication and work.
Based on a concept conceived by Alex Tew, Lintech has set out to accomplish an even greater feat: doing it again. set out to do the impossible by selling mere pixels for advertising space on a website that initially had no traffic. The concept was to sell 10x10 pixel blocks for $100 each to advertisers and coined it as a \"time-capsule\" that would become part of \"internet history.\" With the right exposure and creativity, Tew was able to make close to $1,000,000. The challenge Lintech is presented with is not only accomplishing the same feat by selling pixels for advertising space but accomplishing it with even greater odds against them since it could be said that this fad\'s \"ship has sailed.\"
An idea like Tew\'s comes every so often and when people become aware of it, they curse the originators and wish they would have thought of it. Lintech acknowledges this and wants to prove that it can be done again and by anyone. The milestone goal is to net $500,000 by August 20, 2006. The date was chosen to give Lintech twice the amount of time to make half the amount of money but clearly indicating that progress is being made.
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Contact Details = Company Information: Lintech Systems 2014 Julius Court Walnut Creek, CA 94598 USA Ph. 925-934-8752 Fx. 925-210-8723
Media Contacts: Anthony Lombardo President/CEO 925-934-8752