Low Maintenance Snacks To Improve Your Health

Released on = February 21, 2006, 3:12 pm

Press Release Author = Fitness Trainers To Go Inc.

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = For people on the go, shuttling between school, work,
classes, or carpools, this can mean grabbing fast food from a window, or getting
selections from a vending machine - not exactly the healthy choices doctors had in
mind. So how can you seamlessly incorporate two new meals - and healthy ones - into
your busy schedule?

Press Release Body = Several popular diets, and many more physicians and dieticians,
recommend increasing the number of meals eaten in a day. For people on the go,
shuttling between school, work, classes, or carpools, this can mean grabbing fast
food from a window, or getting selections from a vending machine - not exactly the
healthy choices doctors had in mind.

So how can you seamlessly incorporate two new meals - and healthy ones - into your
busy schedule?

You can start by eating breakfast. One of the most frequently skipped meals - hey
who needs to sit and eat breakfast when you can swing by Starbucks and grab a
frappachino? - breakfast is the keystone to a healthy eating pattern.

"Individuals that eat breakfast are less likely to overeat through the day," said
Dallas-based Fitness Trainers To Go nutritionist Anna Yuschak, MA. Instead of
grabbing a pack of pop tarts, or a jelly donut, both of which are comprised mainly
of carbohydrates, pour yourself a bowl of whole-grain cereal or granola, with skim
milk. When you start off your day with carbs that quickly burn off and leave your
system craving more, you put yourself at a disposition. Your body craves its next
snack. Opt for a breakfast food that will stick with you.

When you leave the house, take with you a couple of low maintenance snacks that are
either prepackaged or can be prepared the night before.

Fitness Trainers To Go CEO and founder Robert Korngiebel has clients who assemble
Ziploc baggies of fresh vegetables and keep them in the refrigerator. When they
leave the house in the morning, they grab one on their way out the door.

"It is a snack that requires absolutely no thought," said Korngiebel. "The portions
are pre-measured so they don't have to worry about overeating, and it is the
perfect-sized pick-me-up for the middle of the day."

Yuschak advises eating every three hours to help the body's metabolism stay at an
increased, and more efficient, level.

Other healthy snacks can include sectioned fruits, nuts, vegetables with low-fat
dip, cheese and whole-grain crackers, hummus and wheat pitas, and fruit smoothies.
Try alternating snacks so as not to get bored with your new menu options.

For clients who love to cook and be surrounded by good food in the kitchen, Yuschak
recommends looking for recipes whose ingredients are low in fats and sugar. She
advises her clients to use substitutions in favorite recipes that are high in
calories. For example, substitute ground turkey for ground beef, dark chocolate for
milk chocolate, and frosty evaporated skim milk for heavy cream. Low and nonfat
varieties of popular favorites, such as cheeses, yogurts, and butter, are easy to
substitute for their fattier counterparts, without sacrificing taste.

While it seems counterproductive to eat more in order to weigh less, the scales are
not lying. The trick is to make sure that the extra food you consume is low in fat
and calories, but still tasty and fulfilling. Experiment with different foods and
flavors until you find some healthy treats you look forward to eating.

You will save time by avoiding fast food restaurants and you won't have the telltale
greasy spots on your pants when you get to work.

Fitness Trainers To Go, Inc. was founded in 2003 by CEO Robert Korngiebel. The
company provides master nutritionists and nationally certified/degreed personal
trainers to conduct in-home nutritional counseling and workout sessions with clients
of all fitness levels. The trainers design every session to meet the individual
needs and goals of each client and provide all equipment necessary for an effective,
challenging workout. For additional information, visit
http://fitnesstrainerstogo.com or email news@fitnesstrainerstogo.com.

Web Site = http://fitnesstrainerstogo.com

Contact Details = Robert Korngiebel||3100 Carlisle #118||Dallas ,

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