Consumer Action Group Help More People Than Ever Reclaim Their Bank Charges

Released on = June 3, 2006, 8:48 am

Press Release Author = INFORMATION

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Consumers Fighting Back On Bank Charges

Press Release Body = London, England 05 June, 2006 - More people than ever are now
claiming back their bank charges.

Banks and card providers have been charging unlawful penalties for years, a fact
which it seemed their customers could do little about. Until now.

As a result of an organised campaign by The Bank Action Group /Consumer Action Group
( ) hundreds of people are now claiming their charges

Their website provides all the information customers need to start the reclaim
process and their forum area provides support and advice to anyone who wants to
claim their money back.

The forum is particularly useful as the banks and card providers are often reluctant
to part with their customers\' money and frequently engage in tactics designed to
discourage the claimant.

With the help of the website customers can finally fight back and reclaim the money
that has been taken from them.

ITV\'s \" Tonight With Trevor McDonald \" is scheduled to screen a report about
reclaiming charges by money journalist Martin Lewis on June 05 2006

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